Courses | Graduate Program in Neurology and Neuroscience

Instructor: Marcelo Masruha Rodrigues and Ricardo Silva Pinho.


The objective of this course is to provide neurologists and neuropediatricians with the basic knowledge for the analysis and interpretation of electroencephalograms. It’s important to note that this course does not offer a specialization as a neurophysiologist/electroencephalographist, but only provides the physician with a better understanding of this important complementary exam in neurological practice.

Instructor: Henrique Ballalai Ferraz and Vanderci Borges


Animal model with deficiency in the transport of acetylcholine; Physiology of Base Ganglia; Etiopathogenesis of Parkinson's disease; Genetic Contribution in the Care of PD; Tremors: Pathophysiology; Pathophysiology of Dystonia; Genetic Aspects of Dystonia; Huntington's Disease: Current Aspects; Tics: Current Aspects.

Instructor: Jean Faber and Célia Harumi Tengan


The purpose of the course is to focus on the construction, deduction, formulation and application of techniques associated with basic statistical concepts contextualized to real biological and biomedical problems. The course avoids an approach based on the direct and simple application of tests with formulations of statistical techniques and software, emphasizing instead the ability of the postgraduate student to understand and construct systematically, autonomously and formally biological and clinical experimental models and problems. The course will focus on parametric inferential statistics.


Instructor: Elza Márcia Targas Yacubian and Mirian Salvadori Bittar Guaranha


The purpose of this course is to provide basic knowledge of electroencephalography (EEG) from the technical aspects during the preparation of electrodes to the interpretation of EEG traces. A practical approach will show the different technical aspects for a detailed evaluation with emphasis on the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with epilepsy.


Electrodes. Basal electrodes for evaluation of temporal epilepsy; Electrogenesis; Assembly. Types and uses; Preparing the EEG report; The EEG apparatus, capacitors, resistors, time constant; sensitivity, polarity; Frequency and voltage measurements; Wakefulness physiological rhythms; Hyperapnea and intermittent photostimulation-protocols, patterns at different ages; FEI protocol from ILAE; photomiogenic response; photoparoxystic responses; Rhythms and physiological graph elements; Artifacts; Slow waves in the EEG. IRDA; Periodic activity; The EEG in coma; Encephalic death.

Instructor: Elza Márcia Targas Yacubian, Laura Maria de Figueiredo Ferreira Guilhoto and Mirian Salvadori Bittar Guaranha


Frontal lobe epilepsies; Posterior cortex epilepsies; Temporal lobe epilepsy; Neuropathology of hippocampus; General epilepsy. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; Status epilepticus; Epilepsy with absence seizures; Concepts and classification of seizures; Features of childhood epilepsies.

Instructor: Esper Abrão Cavalheiro


Beginning in 2002, the "Summer Schools in Epilepsy," organized by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), much like other courses in neuroscience, have been setting standards as a new didactic experience. They have been carried out at the International School of Neurological Sciences in Venice, Italy, with the participation of researchers from the basic and clinical areas that work in the field of epilepsy. As teachers and students remain in close contact for almost two consecutive weeks, this type of School has facilitated the integration between these two groups of researchers and students, allowing a better understanding of the new findings for the benefit of people with epilepsy. Based on this successful experience and with the implementation of an Educational Program by ILAE in 2006, we expanded this type of activity to other regions in order to improve the knowledge of basic and clinical neuroscientists working in this area. The first "Latin American Summer School in Epilepsy (LASSE)"took place in Guarulhos – São Paulo,in 2007, and is entitled "Epilepsy: Translating the basic findings into clinical applications.Eminent epileptologists from several countries, but predominantly from Latin America, are invited to act as teachers and/or tutors, giving lectures and practical discussions to healthcare students (doctors and paramedics) who work in the area of neuroscience in Latin America. In the last 2 days, groups of 5-7 students will be stimulated, based on their knowledge, to write a research project that will be submitted to the critical evaluation of the group of students and teachers.

For more information please access the link below:

Instructor: Célia Harumi Tengan


This course will take an integrated approach to the main basic aspects of mitochondrial dysfunction with clinical applications in medical practice. It is intended to present the concepts of mitochondrial genetics, importance of mitochondrial and nuclear genes, mitochondrial characteristics, diseases caused by genetic defects in the oxidative phosphorylation system, mitochondrial changes observed in other pathological processes such as aging and apoptosis, relation between free radicals and mitochondria, experimental models of mitochondrial dysfunction and therapeutic perspectives. Thus, the knowledge transmitted in this course can be used by any student working in neuroscience, since it involves genetic-molecular mechanisms, oxidative lesions and mitochondrial dysfunction that are present in several neurodegenerative diseases. At the end of the course, the student must write a manuscript discussing any aspect included in the topics covered in the course. The format of the text: 3000-4000 words, excluding references and abstract, maximum of two figures and one table, and must contain an abstract of 250 words max. Evaluation will consider the following aspects: Choice of theme; Text within the required format; Text consistency and fluency; Use of up-to-date information (obtained from recent articles); The reproduction of excerpts from previously published texts will be considered plagiarism and will not be allowed.

The course will have the following guest lecturers:


Introduction to mitochondrial genetics; Mitochondrial diseases; Mutations in mitochondrial DNA and aging; Polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA: ancestry and the relation with diseases; Free radicals, mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA; Neurodegeneration and mitochondrial dysfunction; Experimental treatments for mitochondrial diseases; Mitochondrial dynamics in health and disease.

Instructor: Helga Cristina Almeida da Silva


Presentation of the course - Seminar articles handouts; Bioterium: normative rule 15 of the Arouca law; Maintenance of animals: normative rule 12 of the Arouca law; Operative Technique and Microsurgery; Choice of animals for testing; Euthanasia; Anesthesia for research from a veterinary perspective: Pre, Trans, Post-Operative Care; Anesthesia: normative rule 12 of the Arouca law; Alternatives to minimize the use of animals in teaching; Animals Ethics Committee: AEC; Use of wild and exotic animals; Seminars – part 1 and 2; Questions and answers session.

Instructor: Helga Cristina Almeida da Silva


This course aims to provide basic and clinical aspects informationfor discussions on advances in malignant hyperthermia. Students are required to present and discuss recent articles on the subject

Instructor: Afonso Carlos Neves and Célia Harumi Tengan


Currently, Neurology and Neuroscience have such complexity that they are subdivided into several subspecialties. Their interaction with other sciences, as well as with various segments of society is quite broad. By learning concepts of the History of Neurology and Neuroscience, one can better understand part of the processes that culminated in the current situation of these areas and how they are associated with various fields of knowledge.


Concepts of History of Science; Theories of Brain Functions; Sensory Systems; Motor Functions; Sleep and Emotion; Mind and Memory; Speech and Brain Dominance; Treatments and Therapies; History of Neurology in Brazil;

Instructor: Débora Amado Scerni and Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral


The goals of this course are: (1) To study the biological rhythm of the human body, broadening the understanding of the physiological parameters that present fluctuations throughout the 24 hours of the day. (2) To understand how these fluctuations are in harmony with each other, ensuring body health. (3) To extend the concept of homeostasis to the concepts of predictive and reactive homeostasis and its importance for the maintenance of health. (4) To include the rhythmic approach and the role of melatonin as the organizer of this rhythm to deepen the understanding of the physiological variables frequently measured at a clinic and in health research. (5) To discuss the role of the pineal gland and melatonin in the synchronization of the body and each of its systems, an indispensable condition for its proper functioning. The teaching method includes lectures complemented with discussions of recent publications in the area. Students are expected to increase their understanding of the physiological phenomena of the human body, including the time variable in its interpretations and research. Students are also expected to understand the mechanism of synchronization and the role of melatonin in promoting homeostasis and health.

Instructor: Feres  Eduardo Aparecido Chadaad Neto


Basic course of neuroanatomy for neurosurgeons, neurologists, physicians and professionals in related fields. Includes practical activity in the anatomy laboratory and microsurgical anatomy.

Instructor: Paulo Henrique Ferreira Bertolucci and Marisa Russo


The aim of the course is to show, critically, to neuroscience students and professionals the social, legal, philosophical and ethical impact of neuroscience – an area in which they are directly involved – and help them make decisions in the clinical-experimental field, but also pointing out the implications for the different forms of social participation.

Instructor: Débora Amado Scerni


The goal of this course is to promote the understanding of the nervous system as a structure responsible for the control of the different systems, as an element capable of recognizing, analyzing and modulating behavioral, motor or endocrine responses. Topics include: general neurophysiology, sensory system, motor systems, reticular formation, hypothalamus, limbic system, cognition.

Instructor: Esper Abrão Cavalheiro


The course aims to stimulate the up-to-date discussion of central topics of neuroscience. The themes are set weekly.

Each student must choose one of the 12 articles selected by the Coordinator (below) for his/her presentation. Other students must choose review articles related to the same topic to contribute to the discussion. Each presentation cannot exceed 30-40 minutes. Presentations will be evaluated based on: Presentation quality; Didactic capacity; Leadership in discussion with colleagues; Ability to synthetize the theme; Knowledge of general neuroscience.

Instructor: Acary Souza Bulle de Oliveira and Henrique Ballalai Ferraz


Distonía: This course aims to present different themes that are representative of the different areas of neurology and to promote critical discussions about the subject with specialists in the specific area. The themes involve both clinical and basic aspects and the course is open to students with medical and non-medical education to promote greater integration between students of different backgrounds. Themes are set weekly

Instructor: Gisele Samapio Silva


Consists of presentation of clinical cases in vascular neurology during the first hour, followed by a review of literature regarding several topics in vascular neurology. The cases will be discussed with the clinical neurology, neurointervention and neurosurgery teams.

Instructor: Henrique Ballali Ferraz and Vanderci Borges


The objective is the discussion of current issues in movement disorders, focusing on the latest specialized literature.