The Graduate Program in Psychobiology aims at training MSc (24 month long programs) and PhD (48 month programs) students in basic and clinical research that focuses on the study of behavior and its biological bases in four main areas: CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BASES OF BEHAVIOR , SLEEP MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY , NEUROBIOLOGY OF EMOTION, COGNITION AND MOTIVATION and MEDICINE AND SOCIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE  .

The program provides a multi-disciplinary training, with intensive monitoring by the students’ supervisors. To this end graduate courses are offered in the areas of Experimental Psychology, Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy, Statistics, Psychopharmacology, Drug Addiction, Sleep Medicine and Sleep Biology, Memory and Learning, Affective Disorders and Anxiety, Ethics in Experimentation, among others. Additionally to the development of their own dissertation or thesis projects, students are encouraged to participate in other studies, in collaboration with other lecturers and researchers from various Departments at UNIFESP and/or other National and International institutions. Students are also expected to be involved in other academic endeavors such as participation in scientific meetings, extension and teaching activities.

Students who complete their Master’s should be able to conduct critical reviews of the scientific literature, act as teachers in the field of training and develop and implement a scientifically adequate research project that follows ethical standards. The same is expected of the student who joins as PhD students. At the end of the doctoral program, the student must also be able to write their thesis and scientific manuscripts, present their findings at National and International scientific meetings, and also to help supervise graduate and undergraduate students. The participation of students in writing grant proposals and reports of research financed by Brazilian financial supporting agencies is also expected.The participation in International events is also strongly encouraged.

Since its inception, the program formed approximately 350 MSc and 240 PhDs, most of whom currently teach and carry out research in public or private Higher Education Institutions. Many of those who graduated in our Program also held post-doctoral internship in Brazil or abroad. The Program also includes undergraduate  and post-doctoral fellows.


Departamento de Psicobiologia

Rua Botucatu, 862 - 1o. Andar - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04023062

Telefone: (011) 2149-0155 - FAX: (011) 5572-5092
