The Postgraduate Program in Pediatrics and Applied Sciences in Pediatrics

consulta pedThe Postgraduate Program in Pediatrics and Applied Sciences in Pediatrics is a program for physicians and non-physicians, especially in the fields of Nutrition, Psychology, Dentistry, Biomedicine and Physiotherapy, with continuous flow, accredited with CAPES, Medicine II, Note 5, and counts on VVV guiding bodies in the most diverse areas of pediatric knowledge.

The Pediatrics and Pediatric Applied Sciences Graduate Program aims to train human resources for teaching and research in the area, in a critical and ethical way, in order to allow a full contribution to the construction and transmission of knowledge in the area.
Main goals:
1. To enable human resources to design and implement scientific projects that advance knowledge of human health and its interfaces, with emphasis on children and adolescents,
2. To enable human resources to disseminate the knowledge produced through the presentation of papers and the publication of articles in national and international congresses and periodicals,
3. To enable human resources to transmit the knowledge acquired to other groups of students and professionals in order to nuclear scientific production in the area in multiple regions and to promote scientific collaboration among all these nucleations,
4. Enable human resources for international dialogue in science, in order to produce international networks in which the production of the program finds resonance, resonance and dialogue, and
5. To enable human resources to seek research incentives in order to consolidate the existing nuclei and new nuclei of knowledge construction in pediatrics and science applied to pediatrics.

© 2013 - 2017 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Rua Botucatu, 598 - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP •