Admissions | Master's & Doctoral's Degree in Nursing

Admission to the Academic Master’s or Doctorate in Nursing
The selection of candidates for the Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGEn) can be carried out in three different ways, namely:

1. Selection Process via Spontaneous Annual Demand;

2. Continuous Selection Process via Research Group; and

3. Continuous Selection Process via Advisor.


1. Admission via Spontaneous Annual Demand

The Selection Process via Spontaneous Annual Demand will be carried out by means of a Public Notice and is subject to the availability of advisors.

1.1. The selection will be coordinated by a commission designated by the CEPG with representation by the Program’s research lines; meanwhile, the Examiner Examination Committees will be composed of two doctorate professors from the Research Line that the candidate indicated interest in as well as an external one, who may be from another line of research, another UNIFESP Program or another institution.
1.2. The selection will be guided by the candidate’s Research Project, Curriculum and interview, instruments approved by the CEPG that comprise an integral part of the Public Notice.
1.3. The selection by Spontaneous Annual Demand will always be carried out in the second term of each academic year, and enrollment will be initiated in the following year, at the discretion of the Advisor.
1.4. After the end of the selection process, the commissions must send a report to the CEPG indicating the candidates’ average grades. The CEPG will then ratify and disclose the list of approved candidates.
1.5. The average grade for approval is 7.0 (seven).
1.6. In the case of foreign candidates, the selection process will be guided by the CEPG in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Follow up current and former Public Notices at


2. Continuous Admission via Research Group

The Continuous Selection Process via Research Group is intended for members participating and registered in PPGEn Research Groups that are part of the CNPq Research Groups Directory.

2.1. The Candidate must regularly participate in the Research Group’s activities, to have been developing an activity with their Advisor for at least 6 months, to have an up-to-date Curriculum on the Lattes Platform, and to pass the English Language Proficiency Exam (valid for all candidates to the Master’s or Doctorate programs whose Master’s degree was obtained from another institution).
2.2. The Advisor must request the admittance process to the Research Group’s Leader in writing, highlighting the relevance of the Project and the candidate’s trajectory.
2.3. The selection will be made at a meeting of the Research Group and will consist of the presentation of the candidate’s Research Project to the Examiners’Examination Committee, comprising two doctorate members – one from the Research Group and the other external to the Group – who will issue an opinion of approval or disapproval.

3. Continuous Admission via Advisor

The Continuous Selection Process via Advisor is intended for students whose advisors have a CNPq Research Productivity scholarship. Advisors will be able to nominate candidates for enrollment, provided that the other requirements for the selection and enrollment of candidates in the Program’s Master’s and Doctorate courses have been met.

3.1. Candidates for this type of admission must comply with all the requirements of the Selection Process, such as having been working with the Advisor for at least 6 months, having an up-to-date Curriculum on the Lattes Platform, and passing the English Language Proficiency Exam (valid for all candidates to the Master’s or Doctorate programs whose Master’s degree was obtained from another institution).

Selection Criteria (regardless of the form of admission)

(I) Analysis of the candidate’s Lattes Curriculum in regards to their training as well as research and professional trajectory; analysis of their academic insertion as expressed through teaching and research experience. For the doctorate program, in addition to the previously mentioned criteria, the selection process will also consider the submission of the candidate’s master’s scientific article to indexed journals. Direct Doctorate admission requires proof of relevant scientific production, with at least three articles published in journals of international circulation classified in the first two top segments of the assessment criteria endorsed by CAPES. (Weight 2)

(II) Evaluation of the research project regarding the theme’s relevance; originality and complexity of the research; literature revision; consistency between justification, objective(s), method and theoretical-methodological framework, quality of presentation and written expression; feasible work schedule; suitability to the master’s or doctoral level. The candidate’s ability to defend their research project before the Examination Committee will also be analyzed. (Weight 6)

(III) Interview, considering the following parameters: candidate’s capacity for verbal expression, consistency of argumentation in defense of the study proposal, justification of interest and availability to engage in the program activities and, forDoctorate candidates, availability to perform an internship in a reference research center (preferably an international one). (Weight 2)

The minimum passing score is 7.0 (seven).

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