Escola Paulista de Medicina
Prostgraduate Program in Gastroenterology

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Resultados encontrados {{recordsQ}}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}

Em caso de erros ou informaçoes incorretas entre em contato com a Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação

Dados Consolidados

Ano {{ row.ano }}
MESTRADO : {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'MESTRADO' }).length }}
PÓS-DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'PÓS-DOUTORADO' }).length }}
DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'DOUTORADO' }).length }}
TOTAL: {{row.registros.length}}

Orientadores Credenciados nos Programas de Pós-Graduação da UNIFESP

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As informações do programa de pós graduação que aparecem na página são extraídas do SIIU – Sistema Integrado de Informações Universitárias e Plataforma Lattes. Solicitações de alterações no cadastro dos programas são feitos pela secretaria de Pós Graduação.

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Figura6 Home

The Postgraduate Program in Gastroenterologywas founded in 1976. During the last forty years the Program has focused on training students who come from a variety of health science backgrounds, including physicians, nurses, biologists, biomedical engineers, psychologists and nutritionists. The aim of the Program has been to prepare students to become excellent researchers and teachers, able to work independently. Many postgraduates of the Program are now professors and researchers in institutions throughout Brazil, contributing to the development of science and medicine in this country.

Research focus

Experimental hepatology: studies on ischemia and reperfusion and the kinin-kallikrein system using isolated rat liver
Gastrointestinal oncology: molecular biology of diagnostic and prognostic markers of gastric and colorectal cancer
Viral hepatitis: epidemiology, diagnosis and therapeutic aspects, with emphasis on the study of hemodialysis and renal transplant patients; molecular biology applied to the study of HBV, HCV and HEV
Cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver transplant: epidemiological studies, diagnostic markers, indirect markers of fibrosis, renal dysfunction in cirrhotic patients
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and nutrition in hepatic diseases

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