Escola Paulista de Medicina
Prostgraduate Program in Gastroenterology

Post-Doctoral Degree

The postdoctoral degree aims to deepen professional knowledge, promote scientific competence, improve teaching and enable the development of the ability to perform research in Gastroenterology and related sciences.
Requirements fos Admission
The program offers opportunity to postdoctoral students according to the norms established by the Pro-Rectory of Post-Graduation and Research of UNIFESP.

Requirements for the Post-Doctoral Degree
According to the norms established by the Pro-Rectory of Postgraduate and Research of UNIFESP.

Artigos Relacionados - Informes

03 Apr 2017 19:53

Admission to the Gastroenterology Postgraduate Program takes place from January to October.
1. Registration
Entries [ ... ]

04 Apr 2017 16:22

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Clinica Médica

Rio de Janeiro, [ ... ]

03 Apr 2017 19:27

1. Credits

Credits will be awarded to those students who meet the establishe requirements and are approved [ ... ]


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