Carregando dados aguarde ...



Resultados encontrados {{recordsQ}}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}

Em caso de erros ou informaçoes incorretas entre em contato com a Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação

Dados Consolidados

Ano {{ row.ano }}
MESTRADO : {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'MESTRADO' }).length }}
PÓS-DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'PÓS-DOUTORADO' }).length }}
DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'DOUTORADO' }).length }}
TOTAL: {{row.registros.length}}

nota 6 capes 480x360

The Postgraduate Program in Translational Medicine was established in 2009. The Program is part of a major restructuring of clinical and biomedical research at the Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Unifesp. It is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary Program that focuses on translational research and generation of innovation applied to health. It represents a new approach, a departure from the traditional separation of medical specialties, disciplines and departments.

The Program is the result of a long progressive discussion process within the Department of Medicine of EPM Unifesp, focusing on the social and intellectual role that those with graduate level scientific training should take in institutional, regional and national arenas.

The establishment of multidisciplinary and multi-professional Programs capable of promoting understanding and development of cutting-edge methodologies in the study of biological systems and pathological processes was agreed on as a fundamental paradigm.

This new Program has allowed an unprecedented level of collaboration within the Institution, involving faculty researchers with extensive experience, including physicians and scientists from different sub-specialties, who bring with them well-defined lines of research and secure funding from national and international agencies.

The Program quickly emerged as a unifying center of excellence, and a model of productive and creative reorganization of knowledge within the Unifesp.

The restructuring process is still in progress, and will eventually extend to administrative and decision-making bodies.

The main objective of the Postgraduate Program in Translational Medicine is to prepare individuals from various areas related to Health Sciences to pursue original research focused on relevant clinical problems in the Brazilian population who can address biomedical research in a vertical perspective that brings together molecular, cellular, and systemic aspects, and in a horizontal perspective that involves multiple disciplines. The ultimate goal is to integrate findings from basic science and clinical studies to formulate concrete proposals for changes in medical practice to meet the needs of modern Brazilian society..

Research focus

To meet its goals, the Program has developed thematic areas of research that allow translation of basic science and pre-clinical findings to effective application in patients and communities. Research is grouped under the following six areas of concentration:

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease The role of these mechanisms in multi-system organic disorders.

Development of new diagnostic methods, including biomarkers, bio-imaging, and functional methods. Translational medicine

Identification and epidemiological characterization of population-based differences in disease susceptibility.

Analytical chemistry applied to biology and health.

Human and animal physiology and its relationship to sports.


© 2013 - 2024 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Rua Botucatu, 740, 5º andar, sala 562, Edifício Octávio de Carvalho - Vila Clementino • CEP 04023-062 - São Paulo - SP 

+55 11 3385-4343 Ramal 3027 / +55 11 5576-4228 •