Post-Doctoral Degree

The postdoctoral course aims to deepen professional knowledge, promote scientific competence, improve teaching and enable the development of the ability to perform research in areas related to the Program.

1. Requirements for Admission
1.1. Have a doctorate obtained in courses evaluated by CAPES and recognized by the CNE / MEC. In the case of a diploma obtained in a foreign institution, it must be analyzed by the Graduate Program;
1.2. Provide up-to-date curriculum in the CNPq Lattes Platform or, if foreign, a curriculum with a history of patent registration and / or publication of scientific and technological impact papers and / or academic merit awards;

1.3. Exceptionally, doctors from other areas may be admitted to the course, provided that there is interest of the accredited supervisor (supervisor) and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Regulations approved by CEPG.

2. Requirements for the Doctoral Degree

2.1. Final Report of the Project developed by the Post-Doctorate in the Institution. If you have been a scholarship holder of a development agency and had to submit a final report at the end of the scholarship, you can use the same report for the end of the postdoctoral period;

2.2. Letter of submission for publication of an article or article already published or equivalent to the area of knowledge;

2.3. Final opinion of the Research Ethics Committee of UNIFESP.


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+55 11 3385-4343 Ramal 3027 / +55 11 5576-4228 •