Post-Doctoral Degree Admission

1. Selective Process

The candidate must contact the supervisor who have lines of research of interest to obtain the acceptance of any of them.

The list of the Program's supervisor and their lines of research can be consulted on the page

After the supervisor's acceptance, he must formalize the nomination of the candidate for the selection process by sending an email to the Program Secretariat with the candidate's information.

To participate in the selection process, the candidate needs to have an updated lattes curriculum, the research project ready and the CEP / CEUA approval opinion or at least the proof of sending the project to CEP / CEUA.

The selection process consists of an analysis of the lattes curriculum and an interview with the Program's coordinators.

2. Registration

After approval in the selection process, the student must follow the guidelines of the Program Secretary to register.

Documents required for registration:

• RG (pdf format)

• CPF (pdf format)

• Elector's title (pdf format)

• Copy of the certificate or diploma of the doctor's degree or proof of the request for a certificate or the diploma of the doctor's degree (we will not accept the minutes of the defense) (pdf format)

• Lattes Curriculum updated on the Lattes Platform for consultation by the Pro Rector of Graduate and Research (rtf format)

• Certificate of birth, marriage or stable marriage (pdf format)

• Approval Opinion or Project Entry Protocol to the Ethics Committee, stating the name of the Post-Doctorate to be enrolled in said document (referral of up to 6 months from the date of entry into the CEP of the Final Opinion, subject to cancellation of enrollment if not the final consent for conducting the Survey and its adjustments by the CEP). For projects involving another Institution, it will be mandatory to submit the Project to the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP, regardless of whether it has already been approved by the Ethics Committee of the other Institution involved (pdf format)

• Research Project - With a maximum of ten pages, must be in the font Arial, size 11, space between lines 1,5 and must contain the following items (pdf format):

  • Title;
  • Introduction and justification;
  • Objectives, with definition and delimitation of the object of study;
  • Methodology to be used;
  • Schedule of research activities and subsequent phases up to the end of the Project;
  • Plan of activities, indicating the existence of infrastructure in the Institution, which enables the execution of the proposed work and the schedule of activities formally approved by the supervisor;
  • Reference bibliography.

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