Master's Degree

The aim of the Master Course is to train a researcher with a broad field of knowledge and to enable the development of skills and competences for teaching.

1. Requirements for Admission
1.1. University Diploma in areas related to the Program.
1.2. Exceptionally, higher-level professionals from other areas may be admitted to the course, provided that there is interest of the accredited supervisor and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Regulations approved by CEPG.

2. Requirements for the Mester's Degree
2.1. Obtain at least 25 (twenty-five) credit units, resulting from their participation in courses, scientific meetings and didactic activity, approved by the Program's CEPG. The credit unit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours of programmed or supervised activities;
2.2. Comply with the compulsory subjects of the Program and compulsory classes for all post-graduates;
2.3. Present the dissertation within the standards established by the Program and demonstrate its ability to systematize the knowledge and use of scientific and technological research methods and techniques;
2.4. Approval of the Master's Dissertation by Examining Bank;
2.5. Write at least one paper as the first author referring to the dissertation, forwarding it for publication in an indexed journal.


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