Master's Degree

The Master's Degree aims to deepen professional knowledge, promote scientific competence, improve teaching and enable the development of the ability to perform applied research in Pediatrics.

1. Requirements

1.1. Pediatricians who hold a Pediatric Specialist Degree conferred by the National Medical Residency Commission and / or by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics / Brazilian Medical Association;

1.2. Graduates in Medicine and professionals with university degrees in other areas of health and education, aiming to improve the training of human resources and research focused on Pediatrics and the Health of Children and Adolescents, with the support of related sciences.
1.3. Have your project approved in the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP.

2. Requirements for obtaining title
For the homologation of the Master's degree by the Postgraduate and Research Council, the student must mandatorily:
2.1. Total 40 (forty) - 25 (twenty five) Masters and 15 (fifteen) PhD - Credit Units resulting from their participation in courses, scientific meetings and didactic activity, approved by the Program's CEPG. The credit unit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours of programmed or supervised activities;

{Slider title = "Compulsory Disciplines - for Master's (Annual)" open = "false" class = "orange"}

For information on disciplines, see Catalog of Disciplines.

Medical Ethics (for doctors)
Pediatric Nursing
Scientific methodology
Integrated Pediatric Research Seminars
Epidemiology in Pediatrics
Attend to 3 (three) theses of the Pediatric Program within the year
PubMed Online Research Course
20% of Masters or PhD credits in other Institutions.
{Slider title = "Elective Disciplines - for Master's and Doctorate (Biannual)" class = "blue"}

For information on disciplines, see Catalog of Disciplines.

Allergy and Immunology
Genetic Bases of Phenotypic Variability and Pediatrics Adobecimento
Child Growth
Child Development
Metabolism Modulating Factors
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric Infectology / Immunizations
Critical Reading of Clinical Research
Pediatric Rheumatology
Research Seminar in Neonatology
{/ Sliders}

2.2. Comply with other specific obligations to the Program, as established in its Regulations;
2.3. Certificate of proficiency in English;
2.4. Present the dissertation within the standards established by the Program and demonstrate its ability to systematize the knowledge and use of methods and techniques of scientific and technological research;
2.5. Proof of submission or acceptance of journal publication indexed in MEDLINE, of work resulting from the Dissertation of which the student is the first author, will be required.

Note: The enrollment lockout period, if it occurs, will be computed within the deadlines established in accordance with the general regulations of the Postgraduate and Research Council (CPGPq) of UNIFESP.

3. Scholarships

Criteria for obtaining scholarships



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