Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences Applied to Rheumatology

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The Postgraduate Program in Health SciencesApplied to Rheumatology at Universidade Federal de São Paulo was founded in 1983 by Professor Edgard Atra, Full Professor of Rheumatology.

The Program develops high-quality Master and PhD researchers, able to teach and carry out research in Rheumatology and related fields.

It is mainly focusedon the development of original research involvingbasic, translational and clinical science in Rheumatology, but high-level scientific researchin fields associated with rheumatic diseases is alsosupported. In recent years the Program has been involvedin promoting interchange with internationalresearch centers to further internationalization, innovation and collaboration in rheumatology research.

An important purpose of the Postgraduate Program is to increase and improve rheumatologyteaching activities and ensure that current developmentsin rheumatology are communicated to themedical and research community in Brazil. Fromits founding through 2015, the Program has trained more than 260 PhD and Master students. In addition to excellent scientific and research training,we hope to provide our students with an awarenessof the important role of socio-economic factors inhealth and healthcare and to inspire them to servethe Brazilian community.

Research focus
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of rheumaticdiseases: clinical and laboratory parameters; causes of death in rheumatic diseases

Pathophysiology of rheumatic diseases: autoantibodies,cytokines and humoral mediators in rheumatic diseases; molecular and cellular biology; endothelialfunction and microcirculation

Fundamental rheumatology: evaluation of rheumaticdiseases using imaging methods; metabolic bone diseasesTreatment: spine and rehabilitation; drug therapy

© 2013 - 2017 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Rua Botucatu, 740 - Vila Clementino • CEP 04023-900 - São Paulo - SP

+55 11 5576 4848 Ramal 3071  •