Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgrado en Salud Colectiva


  • Nome/título
  • Responsável
    Prof. Dr. Luiz Roberto Ramos, Professor Titular de Medicina Preventiva, EPM/UNIFESP
  • Corpo Docente
    - Profa. Dra. Zila van der Meer Sanchez Dutenhefner - Professora Associada Departamento de Medicina Preventiva l Área de Epidemiologia e Bioestatística
    - Prof. Eduardo Simões, MD, MPH, MSc - Director of the Health and Behavioral Risk Research Center and Distinguished Professor School of Medicine, University of Missouri, US
  • E-mail para contato
  • Início - inscrição
  • Término - inscrição
  • Início - curso
  • Término - curso
  • Local
  • Dias e Horários
    Terça – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
  • Vagas/ Número máximo de alunos
  • Carga horária - Teórica
  • Carga horária - Prática
  • Carga Horária Total
  • Creditos
  • Critérios de ingresso
    Diploma universitário, pesquisador na área da saúde, com domínio do idioma inglês.
  • Ementa
    This course follows the core sequence of quantitative and methods courses with special emphasis on interpreting and applying epidemiological studies to the decision making process concerning both individual and population health. Through in-depth exploration of specific high- profile studies of biological, medical and public health importance, students are expected to develop contemplative expertise and skills in: Basic learning Objectives (as foundations in epidemiology): A. Learn to interpret and integrate multiple lines of scientific evidence concerning a particular topic of importance to the field of public health and medicine applying epidemiological principles and methods. B.Effective communication of scientific findings C. Build on your strong foundation in contemporary approaches to epidemiological methods, and major observational study designs D. Use causal diagrams to identify threats to study validity and potential approaches to mitigating such threats E. Conduct appropriate analyses of epidemiological data using standard regression models in suitable statistical software F. Represent a priori subject¿matter knowledge and hypotheses with causal diagrams ¿ Avaliação de aprendizagem Three types of sessions are employed in the classroom: 1.Formal didactic lectures that are particularly relevant to interpreting and applying epidemiologic methods and principles. These include those topics that do not fit well into the other methods courses or topics that need further development; for example: -- Multiple imputation for missing data
    -- Methods for evaluating screening and clinical diagnostics (lead-time bias, confounding by indication, number-needed to treat) -- Propensity score, instrumental variable analysis, and mediation analysis. -- Systematic evidence reviews and meta-analysis -- Risk assessment and
    prediction 2. Discussion sections on issues in Interpretation of individual studies and aggregations of studies; review some of the major issues in epidemiological methods drawing on chapters from the text ¿Interpreting Epidemiological Evidence¿ and topics covered in assigned readings and other recommended textbooks 3. Student led formal presentation of substantive topics of public health importance and applications will involve a set of written assignments, class presentations and both student-led and/or faculty-directed sessions on topics for which epidemiological evidence play a fundamentally important role in the development of public policy and clinical practice guidelines. We will begin with individual studies on a topic of interest, proceed to a summary of all available data, identify specific unresolved issues that require additional studies, discuss and debate what policy decisions could / should be made in the meantime. Below is list of suitable topics suggested in advance, students are expected to conduct research ahead of the specific class, identify suitable readings for colleagues, and will be required to distribute a summary of the issues identified and lead discussions for a specific substantive area in the class. ¿ Conteúdo Programático III. Class Schedule: Section 1 Course overview Teaching philosophy, course requirements and housekeeping issues (Students are required to be active learners (see one, do one, and teach one). Faculty members are here to help you learn addressing the epidemics of information or misinformation as a ¿curator¿/facilitator). Distinctive issues in interpreting and applying epidemiology Biological context, uncertainty, and realms and forms of policy application CD Murlow. The Medical Review Article:
    State of the Science. Annals Int Medicine, 1987. Bonus reading: An interview with Lew Kuller Section 2 Continue discussion on issues identified in Section 1. Review of substantive topics and student-led
    discussion/case study assignments Section 3 Interpretation of random error and confounding
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem
    Course structure
  • Conteúdo Programático
    June 7th – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm – Event Occurrence Measurements – (part 1)

    July 5th - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm – Event Occurrence Measurements – (part 2)

    August 22 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Study Designs – The Basics (part 1)

    Septem 12 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Study Designs – Measures of Association - Cohort (Part 2)

    October 17 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm) - Randomized Interventional Trials

    Novemb 14 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm – Non-randomized Interventional Trials – Focus on Stepped Wedge Cluster Trials (SWT or Roll-out Designs)

    Decemb 12 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm – Designing and Implementing a Meta-Analysis
  • Referências
    Bibliografia: Rothman, Greenland, and Lash. Modern Epidemiology. 3nd Edition. Lippincott
    Williams & Wikins. 2008. Spiegelhalter DJ. Abrams KR, Myles JP. Bayesian Approaches to Clinical
    Trials and Health- Care Evaluation. John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Thomas DC. Statistical Methods in
    Environmental Epidemiology. Oxford University Press, 2009

    © 2013 - 2024. Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

    Campus São Paulo - Rua Botucatu, 740 - 4º andar - sala 02 - Vila Clementino, São Paulo - SP -

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