Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgrado en Salud Colectiva


  • Nome/título
  • Responsável
    Profa. Dra. Zila van der Meer Sanchez
  • Corpo Docente
    Profa. Dra Juliana Yurgel Valente
  • E-mail para contato
  • Início - inscrição
  • Término - inscrição
  • Início - curso
  • Término - curso
  • Local
  • Dias e Horários
    Sexta, das 10h às 12h-Classes will occur once a month - Every first friday Presentation of Seminars are in English
  • Vagas/ Número máximo de alunos
  • Carga horária - Teórica
  • Carga horária - Prática
  • Carga Horária Total
  • Creditos
  • Critérios de ingresso
    Being enrolled in a Master, Doctoral or Pos Doctoral program at UNIFESP and having an interest in research in the field of mental health prevention.
  • Ementa
    The Journal Club aims to provide a space for discussion and analysis of scientific articles centered on the science of prevention, focusing on preventing alcohol and drug use, and other mental health outcomes. Our goal is to explore the latest studies published in this field, promoting a deeper understanding of the guidelines underlying prevention science, as well as preventive strategies with the highest degrees of effectiveness and their implications for public health. Additionally, the journal club will equip students to identify the types of epidemiological study designs, statistical methods, and biases reported in scientific articles in this field. At each meeting, a student will have the opportunity to present a recent and relevant scientific article addressing issues such as the epidemiology of alcohol consumption, other drugs, and mental health, risk and protective factors, and preventive interventions. Following the presentations, participants will be encouraged to discuss the presented article, addressing methodological and theoretical questions, as well as knowledge gaps, fostering reflection on the practical implications of scientific evidence in the context of prevention science. By exploring topics related to preventing alcohol and drug use, and other mental health outcomes, the Journal Club aims not only to expand participants' theoretical knowledge but also to promote the development of critical skills regarding epidemiological methods
    and the application of scientific evidence in formulating preventive public policies.
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem
    Presentation of seminars and debate activities in the classroom. Final assignment.
  • Conteúdo Programático
    Nudging in prevention; Initiation into drug use by adolescents; Drug Policies; Prevention in a school environment; Prevention in a family environment; Environmental prevention; Innovations in alcohol policies.
  • Referências
    Bibliografia: Lars Sjödin, Jonas Raninen, Peter Larm. Early Drinking Onset and Subsequent
    Alcohol Use in Late Adolescence: a Longitudinal Study of Drinking Patterns. Journal of Adolescent Health , 2024. Yoo JE, Han K, Shin DW, Kim D, Kim BS, Chun S, Jeon KH, Jung W, Park J, Park JH, Choi KS, Kim JS. Association Between Changes in
    Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Aug 1;5(8):e2228544. doi:
    10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.28544. PMID: 36001313; PMCID: PMC9403779. Wang RJ,
    Bhadriraju S, Glantz SA. E-Cigarette Use and Adult Cigarette Smoking Cessation: A Meta-Analysis.
    Am J Public Health. 2021 Feb;111(2):230-246. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305999. Epub 2020 Dec 22.
    PMID: 33351653; PMCID: PMC7811087. Banks E, Yazidjoglou A, Joshy G. Electronic cigarettes
    and health outcomes: epidemiological and public health challenges. Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Aug
    2;52(4):984-992. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyad059. PMID: 37192053; PMCID: PMC10396413. Halpern SD,
    Harhay MO, Saulsgiver K, Brophy C, Troxel AB, Volpp KG. A Pragmatic Trial of E-Cigarettes,
    Incentives, and Drugs for Smoking Cessation. N Engl J Med. 2018 Jun 14;378(24):2302-2310. doi:
    10.1056/NEJMsa1715757. Epub 2018 May 23. PMID: 29791259. Zila M. Sanchez, Juliana Y.
    Valente, Patricia P. Galvão, Fabiane A. Gubert, Márcia H. S. Melo, Sheila C. Caetano, Jair J. Mari,
    Hugo Cogo-Moreira. A cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of the schoolbased drug prevention program #Tamojunto2.0. Addiction, 2020.
    MacKinnon, D.P., Valente, M.J. & Gonzalez, O. The Correspondence Between Causal and
    Traditional Mediation Analysis: the Link Is the Mediator by Treatment Interaction. Prev Sci 21,
    147¿157 (2020).

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