Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgraduate Program in Cardiology

Doctoral Degree

The postgraduate program in Cardiology of the Escolal Paulista de Medicina at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo awards degrees to professionals able to produce and disseminate knowledge in cardiology and work in an integrated way with research, teaching and assistance.

1. Requirements
1.1.Degree in health relates areas.

Exceptionally, higher-level professionals from other areas may be admitted at the program, provided that there is interest of the accredited supervisor and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Regulations approved by CEPG.

2. Obtaining Title
For the homologation of the Master's degree by the Postgraduate and Research Council, the student must mandatorily:
2.1. Total the Credit Units in programmed or supervised activities, as established by the Regulations of the Postgraduate Program in Cardiology and obeying the minimum defined in these Rules;
2.2. To study the compulsory subjects and to be approved;
2.3. To fulfill other specific obligations of the Program established in these Rules;
2.4. Proof proficiency in English;
2.5. Place the dissertation or equivalent work at the secretariat of the Program, through a document of consent of the supervisor;
2.6. Provide the Unifesp supervisor with all original data resulting from the research work;
2.7. Have approved the dissertation, or equivalent work, by the Judging Commission.
2.8. To present proof of submission of the article related to the thesis for publication in an indexed journal. The article should have the student as the first author and the advisor as the last or corresponding author.
2.9. Place the dissertation or equivalent work in the Pro-Rectorate for Graduate Studies and Research, accompanied by the minutes of the trial session, signed by the Judging Committee, and documentation evidencing compliance with all the specific requirements of the program, signed by the supervisor and the coordinator from the program.

3. Grants
Grants will be made to students interested and regularly enrolled in the courses of the Postgraduate Program in Cardiology, in case there are quotas available.

The interested student must send the request to the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Cardiology who will request an opinion from CEPG-Cardio at an ordinary meeting.

Requires documents
3.1. Request to the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Cardiology;
3.2. Student performance assessment by the supervisor;
3.3. Research project approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of São Paulo / Escola Paulista de Medicina, which should include a timeline with a forecast of completion;
3.4. If the project is already in progress, forward initial data;
3.5. Commitment of the supervisor on the conditions for the development and completion of the project in the proposed period.

CEPG-Cardio may call the student for an interview.

If there are more applications simultaneously than available grants, CEPG-Cardio will be able to make selection based on the student's performance so far, importance and impact of the project in the student's area of ​​action and curriculum.


Artigos Relacionados - Informes

03 Apr 2017 19:53

1. Registration

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The postgraduate program in Cardiology of the Escolal Paulista de Medicina at the Universidade Federal [ ... ]

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1. Credits

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2013 - 2024 | Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Rua Napoleão de Barros , 715 - Térreo - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP   •