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Doctoral Degree

The Doctoral Degree deepens professional knowledge, promotes scientific competence, improves teaching and develops the ability to perform research in Interdisciplinary Surgery Science.

1. Requirements
1.1. Higher education degree in Health.
1.2. Exceptionally, highe-level professionals from other areas may be admitted to the course, provided that there is interest of the accredited supervisor and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Regulations approved by CEPG.

2. Obtaining Title
2.1. Obtain 40 (forty) credits that may be attributed by CEPG because of their participation in the situations provided for in Paragraph 2 of Article 99 of the Internal Regulation of Postgraduate and Research of the University of Federal of São Paulo, in items I, II, III, V, VIII, X, XI;
2.2. Disciplines offered by the Graduate Program;
2.3. Disciplines offered in Associated Area Programs at the Federal University of São Paulo;
2.4. Disciplines or courses, at the postgraduate level, offered by other Universities or institutions of excellence in the area;
2.5. Authorship of complete work published in a periodical of national or international circulation that has editorial body recognized, suitable referential system, selective editorial policy and that evidences proven relation with the project of dissertation or thesis of the student;
2.6. Tutoring, monitoring or preceptory activity carried out with undergraduate students, provided that it is programmed by the Department or responsible for the course or discipline;
2.7. Patents deposited or granted;
2.8. Other activities that the Postgraduate Education Commission deems relevant and relevant
2.9. Comply with the compulsory subjects of the Program and the classes of the modules programmed for all post-graduates;
2.10. Periodically discuss, in a scientific meeting designated at CEPG's discretion, the progress of the research, with the mandatory presence of the advisor and, if applicable, the co-supervisor;
2.11. Conduct the Qualification Examination provided for in Articles 105 to 111 and Article 113 of the Internal Rules of Postgraduate and Research of the Federal University of São Paulo.
2.12. Defend thesis that represents original and significant contribution in Surgical Science;
2.13. To write work on the thesis, forwarding it for publication in an indexed periodical of international circulation, indexed in the MEDLINE database;
2.14. Present a certificate of proficiency in English in Course recognized by the Pro-Rectory of Post-Graduation and Research of UNIFESP.

3. Scholarships
Access Pro-Rectory of Graduate and Research for information on grant, criteria and number of scholarships.


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Rua Napoleão de Barros, 610 - Vila Clementino – São Paulo – SP • pgccid@unifesp.br