
The disciplines that make up our graduate courses are represented in credits according to the rules defined by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Important information:

Students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Nursing as well as special students may apply to the disciplines. At the discretion of the CEPG and of the professor responsible for the discipline in question, applications may be accepted from students not enrolled in the PPGE-EPE/Unifesp.

Special students are defined as:
I - students who are regularly enrolled in another graduate course at UNIFESP or at another institution recognized by CAPES;
II - students who already have a Master’s or Doctorate degree;
III - students who are participating members of a research group, bearing a written opinion from the research group coordinator and/or advisor.

1. Credits

Subject credits will be given to Graduate Students who meet the requirements of the Discipline and are approved with a frequency equal to or greater than 75%.

Credits from disciplines of Graduate programs external to Unifesp must be previously authorized and subsequently validated by the student’s advisor.

2. Course Catalog

Consult the subjects offered by the Program in the Catalog of Disciplines.

3. Performance evaluation and Grades
The student’s academic achievement levels in each subject will be expressed
through the following grades:
I. A – Excellent, entitled to Credit Units;
II. B – Good, entitled to Credit Units;
III. C – Regular, entitled to Credit Units;
IV. D – Failed,not entitled to Credit Units.

Graduate students who obtain a D grade or a frequency lower than 75% must retake the discipline in order to continue the course.

Special students who fail to do so will be prevented from enrolling.

Students linked to another program who fail to do so will be prevented from taking other disciplines in the PPGE-EPE/Unifesp.


© 2013 - 2019 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Campus São Paulo  •  Rua Napoleão de Barros, 754 - 2° Andar - Vila Clementino  •  04024-002 São Paulo - SP

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