Escola Paulista de Medicina
Prostgraduate Program in Gastroenterology

Post-Doctoral Degree Admission

The program offers opportunities to postdoctoral students according to the standards established in Unifesp. More information atPró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa.

1. Registration
1.1. Curriculum Vitae or Curriculum Lattes (summaries)
1.2. Schedule an interview with the Program Coordinator
1.3. Summary of the Research Project

2. Registration Documents
2.1. Applicant registration form completed and signed, according to the model
2.2. Summary Curriculum Vitae (Identification, Training and qualification, Internships in the country or abroad, Professional activity, Published articles, Abstracts published in annals of congresses)
2.3. Graduation school history
2.4. Cover letter prepared by the applicant

3. Selective Process
The selection process is annual and continuous from January to October.

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