Post-Doctoral Degree

The Postgraduate Program in Rheumatology at Escola Paulista de Medicina awards master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral degrees to students technically and scientifically qualified to exercise professional activities in teaching and research in Rheumatology and related areas.

The Program’s main goal is to achieve excellence in teaching activities, scientific and technological research, as well as promote continuous updating and development in Rheumatology.

1. Requirements for registration

1.1 Hold the doctorate degree, when the scholarship was implanted, obtained in courses evaluated by CAPES and recognized by the CNE / MEC. In the case of a diploma obtained in a foreign institution, this must be analyzed by the Graduate Program;

1.2. Provide up-to-date curriculum in the CNPq's Lattes Platform or, if foreign, a curriculum with a history of patent registration and / or publication of scientific and technological impact papers and / or academic merit awards;

1.3. Exceptionally higher-level professionals from other areas may be admitted to the course, provided that there is interest of the accredited supervisor and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Regulations approved by CEPG;

1.4. Not be retired or equivalent;

2. Application

 Applicants may apply in one of the following ways:

2.1. Brazilian nationals or foreign resident in Brazil holding a temporary visa without employment relationship;

2.2. Non-Brazilan nationals living abroad, without employment relationship;

2.3. Already faculty our researcher employed in Brazil at higher education institutions or public research institutions.

Requirements for the Post-Doctoral Degree

1. Prepare Annual Report of Activities to be submitted to the approval of the Graduate Program and to forward Final Report within 60 (sixty) days after the closing of the respective scholarship;

2. Dedicate yourself to the activities of the project;

3. Return to CAPES the funds received irregularly when it is established that the rules of the PNPD are not complied with, except if it is motivated by a case of force majeure, circumstance outside their will or serious illness that is duly substantiated and substantiated. The evaluation of these situations is conditioned to the analysis and deliberation by the Executive Board of CAPES, in a reasoned order;

4. The enrollment lockout period, if it occurs, will be computed within the deadlines established in accordance with the general regulations of the Postgraduate and Research Council (CPGPq) of UNIFESP.

For more information, visit the website of the Rectory for Postgraduation and Research.

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