Campus Guarulhos • Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Social Sciences Graduate Program

Doctoral Degree

The Doctoral program aims to deepen professional knowledge, to promote scientific competence, to improve teaching, and to develop the ability to perform research in Social Sciences. In relation to the Master’s degree, it represents a qualitative leap: in addition to the good formulation of a relevant research problem, it involves all work to support its resolution.

Academic Requirements 

1. Full Master’s degree in social sciences or related sciences.

2. Exceptionally, higher-level professionals from other areas may be admitted to the course, provided there is interest from the advisor and that the approval criterion is in accordance with the Program Standards approved by CEPG.

Obtaining the Academic Title

a) To obtain at least 48 (forty-eight) units of credits, 36 credits in disciplines and 12 in complementary activities. Each unit of credit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours of scheduled or supervised activities;

b) To attend compulsory modules from the Program and classes for all graduate students;

c) To pass the qualifying exam, according with the Program Standards;

d) To submit a dissertation complying with the Program standards, demonstrating the student’s ability to systematize knowledge and to use methods and techniques of scientific and technological research.

c) The PhD dissertation must be approved by the dissertation defense board.

f) The deadline may be extended for up to three months within the stipulated period of 48 months upon request of the Advisor and evaluation by the CEPG.

h) The period of granted leave of absence, if it occurs, will be computed within the deadlines established by the general regulation of the Graduate and Research Council (CPGPq – Conselho de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa) of UNIFESP.


Artigos Relacionados - Informes

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