Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgraduate Program in Infectious Diseases

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection after cardiovascular surgery: Impact of a multifaceted intervention

capa ajic 2015 v14

Autores: Andrioli ER, Furtado GH, Medeiros EA.


Publicação: Am J Infect Control  •  DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2015.09.030  •  Epub 2015 Nov 14


The aims of this study were to assess the impact of a multifaceted intervention on the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) and on the urinary catheter utilization (UCU) ratio, evaluating adherence to recommendations for the use of indwelling urinary catheters (IUCs).
This prospective, before-and-after interventional study was conducted in three 6-month phases: preintervention (phase 1), intervention (phase 2), and postintervention (phase 3). We observed IUC insertion technique, maintenance care, and removal/nonremoval practices; provided training on CAUTI prevention measures; evaluated professional knowledge; provided adherence feedback; determined the incidence of CAUTI, and calculating the UCU ratio.
Between phases 1 and 3, CAUTI incidence fell from 11.42 to 4.40 cases/1000 catheter-days (P = .216), whereas the UCU ratio remained constant. The risk of CAUTI was 2.6-fold higher in phase 1 than in phase 3. Adherence to hand hygiene (before and after IUC insertion) improved significantly, as did adherence to attaching the IUC to the patient and maintenance care guidelines. The reasons for IUC use (including inappropriate reasons) did not differ significantly. Professional knowledge improved significantly after training.
A multifaceted intervention effectively reduced CAUTI incidence and improved the quality of care.


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