Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgraduate Program in Otorhinolaryngology

Scientific work by a Master's student of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Project between the PPG in Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology) / UNIFESP and CRER-AGIR is awarded at the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery

The scientific work “Impact of hearing impairment on cognitive performance” by Master's student - Pedro Ivo Machado Pires de Araújo, supervised by Professor Norma de Oliveira Penido and co-supervised by Professor Pauliana Lamounier e Silva Duarte, won 1st place (Free Topic Presentation), at the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery and the 90th anniversary of the Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (BJORL).
Pedro Ivo is a student of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Project signed, in 2021, between the Postgraduate Program in Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology) / UNIFESP and CRER-AGIR (Goiás).


Logo 53 Congresso Brasileiro 2023


Artigos Relacionados - Informes

16 Feb 2023 18:44

Norma de Oliveira Penido, MD, PhD, professor and advisor of the Postgraduate Program in Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology), [ ... ]

03 Apr 2017 19:27

1. Credits

Credits will be awarded to those students who meet the establishe requirements and are approved [ ... ]


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