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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Química

Financial Aid


The Graduate Program in Chemical Biology counts on CAPES Master's (ME) and Doctoral (DO) scholarship quotas. All students have the possibility to apply for available educational scholarships supported by CAPES. Also, the PPGBQ encourages all students to apply for scholarships from other funding agencies such as FAPESP and CNPq.
The availability of scholarships, depends on several factors, some of which are external to the program. To obtain one of the available scholarships, the candidate must participate in the classificatory process conducted by PPGBQ.
The classification process is carried out through written evaluation for candidates who wish to apply for the CAPES scholarship, occurring in the months of February and August of each year. Eventually, extraordinary processes may occur.
The evaluation will be unique for Master and Doctoral candidates and the minimum grade for the classification of candidates is 5.0 (five). Below this grade, the candidate will be disqualified from the Capes Scholarship Classification Process.

To participate, the candidate must read the norms and instructions provide for each process (see topic “Next classificatory process” below) and send the complete registration form for the CAPES Scholarship Classification Process, signed by the both the supervisor and the candidate, to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

Place and time for the test:
To be defined.

Next classificatory process:
To be defined.

CAPES Graduate Support Program (PROAP)

The CAPES Graduate Support Program (PROAP) finances activities of postgraduate courses, providing better conditions for the training of human resources.

For Students
Annually, PGBQ selects students to receive financial support for participation in scientific events. To compete for PROAP grant, the student must send a request with the application form and the scan of all supporting documentation (notice of acceptance of the work, the event program, and, if applicable, the flight ticket budget).The request and documents must be send at least 60 days prior to the event to PGBQ secretary email (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.).

To be eligible to request the PROAP grant:

  • The student must be regularly enrolled in the PGBQ.
  • The work to be presented must be related to the student's dissertation / thesis.
  • Applicant must demonstrate previous participation in the PGBQ Symposium.
  • The student cannot have received a PROAP grant in the two years preceding the request.

Priority criteria

  • Never having benefited from the PROAP grant at the current graduate level.
  • Academic performance proven by postgraduate school record.
  • Be registered at PGBQ for at least one year.
  • Priority will be given to students whose supervisor actively participate in the PGBQ, teaching classes in at least one subject per year.

Scoring priority criteria

  • Two points for each course graded with A
  • One point each course graded with B
  • The student who has the highest number of points in the paired analysis will have preference to receive the benefit.

Priority will be given to applicants with less time to complete / defend the postgraduate course.

For supervisors from PGBQ
To request a PROAP grant, the supervisor must send a request with the application form and the scan of all supporting documentation (notice of acceptance of the work, the event program, and, if applicable, the flight ticket budget).The request and documents must be send at least 60 days prior to the event to PGBQ secretary email (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.).

To be eligible to request the PROAP grant:

  • The applicant must have at least one student regularly enrolled in the PGBQ at the request time.
  • The work to be presented must be related to a dissertation / thesis of the PGBQ and must, therefore, have a student regularly enrolled or an egress as co-author of the work.
  • The applicant must give an interval of 24 months between requests.
  • Participate annually in at least one discipline offered at PPG-BQ.

Priority criteria

  • Supervisors without a current FAPESP grant (*).
  • The requesting supervisor must not have students with delays in the defense term.
  • To be coordinator of one of the course taught at PGBQ, in the last two years.
  • Work as a collaborator in at least one discipline, in addition to Fundamentals in Chemical Biology I and II.

(*) Supervisors with current FAPESP grant must justify the impossibility of using a complementary benefit to finance participation in scientific events.

Priority criteria score:

  • Two points for each discipline coordination.
  • A point for each collaboration in discipline.
  • One point for each enrolled student.
  • One point less for each student overdue.
  • The teacher who has the highest number of points in the paired analysis will be awarded the PROAP grant.


For more information, please contact the PGBQ Committee.

Secretaria de Pós-Graduação – Biologia Química (PPG-BQ)

 Rua São Nicolau, 210, 5° andar - Centro - Cep 09913-030 - Diadema – SP

Telefone: (+55 11) 4044-0500 (ramal 3511)

E-mail:  secretaria.posbq@unifesp.br

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