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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Química

A inscrição para o processo classificatório de bolsas ME/DO Capes deverá ocorrer até 01 (um) dia útil antes da data da prova.

Para Inscrição, o candidato deverá preencher o formulário (link) e entregar na Secretaria de Pós-Graduação pessoalmente ou por meio eletrônico.

Caso o formulário seja entregue por meio eletrônico, o candidato deverá encaminhar e-mail intitulado: INSCRIÇÃO PARA CONCORRER A BOLSA - MESTRADO ou DOUTORADO, para: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

Postdoctoral Program & Positions

The PPGBQ’s postdoctoral program has a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum of 48 months. This time could be extended by more than 12 months upon request and with authorization of the PGBQ’s coordination. To request a time extension, the postdoctoral fellow must send detailed and signed document explaining the necessity of the time extension
To find postdoctoral positions at PPGBQ you can directly contact PPGBQ´s supervisors (see supervisor list, here) or look for positions in our website (see below).Once you find a postdoctoral position you should begin the formal registration process.

Note: The registration process is independent of whether the candidate has a postdoctoral fellowship.

To register the postdoctoral position, the candidate should present to the secretary the follow documents:

  • A written Research Project with a maximum of 20 pages containing cover, summary, introduction with justification, objectives, methodology, schedule with future perspectives and references.
  • The appropriated Ethical Committee submission protocol.
  • A Letter of acceptance from the candidate supervisor´s.
  • Registration form completed and signed by the candidate, his supervisor and by the PGBQ´s coordinator.
  • Copy of updated Lattes Curriculum (for more information, see Lattes website)
  • 3 (three) 3x4 recent color photos.

Also, the candidate should present a copy of the following documents. Note that it will be necessary to show the original documents to prove the authenticity.

  • Birth certificate or marriage certificate or RG or RNE or a valid passport.
  • CPF (to see how to obtain this document, please, visit this website).
  • For Brazilians only: voter registration and, only for men, the military certificate.
  • Academic record of the undergraduate, master's (if any) and doctorate.
  • Undergraduate Degree Certificate or similar, Master's degree certificate (if any) and Doctorate/PhD certificate/Diploma.

Completion of the Postdoctoral
At the end of Postdoctoral period, the fellow must present a final report following the UNIFESP standards. Also, the candidate must present at least 1 (one) submitted or accepted or published paper as First or as Last author. The paper should present results related with the theme of the postdoctoral research project.

The Postdoctoral certificate will be issued after final report approval by PGBQ. The certificate will indicate the place where the postdoctoral fellow completed as well as the period spent in the program.

A Postdoctoral Fellow may be dismissed from the Program in the following situations:

  • The postdoctoral fellow exceeds the maximum term of 60 months.
  • After request of the postdoctoral fellow through a detailed and signed document, addressed to PGBQ.
  • After request from the Supervisor through a detailed and signed document, addressed to PGBQ.
  • In the event of inappropriate conduct by the postdoctoral fellow.

All these situations will be analyzed by the PGBQ Committee.

Available Postdoctoral Positions

Available positions will post here.

A proficiência na língua inglesa é pré-requisito obrigatório para efetivar a matrícula no PPG-BQ


Exames de proficiências aceitos:

1. Exame de proficiência da Cultura Inglesa (https://www.culturainglesa.com.br/certificados/profic-aplicacao-prova/) ou Versátil Idiomas (https://versatilidiomas.com/):

- O candidato deverá obter aproveitamento mínimo de 50%.

- Para o candidato realizar a prova, o orientador deverá solicitar à secretaria uma autorização por e-mail, conforme formulário.

2. IELTS: mínimo de 4,5 pontos.

3. TOEFL: mínimo de 55 pontos.

4. ITP-TOEFL: mínimo de 400 pontos.


O período de validade dos exames de proficiência aceitos pelo programa é de no máximo 5 anos.

Secretaria de Pós-Graduação – Biologia Química (PPG-BQ)

 Rua São Nicolau, 210, 5° andar - Centro - Cep 09913-030 - Diadema – SP

Telefone: (+55 11) 4044-0500 (ramal 3511)

E-mail:  secretaria.posbq@unifesp.br

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