• Nome/título
  • Responsável
    Prof. Dr. Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende
  • Corpo Docente
    Prof. Hélio J. Coelho Júnior – Research fellow, Department of Geriatrics, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.

    Prof. Gerson Ferrari - Full Professor, Escuela de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Salud, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH),

    Prof. Leandro Rezende - Adjunct Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Federal University of Sao Paulo
  • E-mail para contato
  • Início - inscrição
  • Término - inscrição
  • Início - curso
  • Término - curso
  • Local
  • Dias e Horários
    Tuesday, 14:00 to 18:00
  • Vagas/ Número máximo de alunos
  • Carga horária - Teórica
  • Carga horária - Prática
  • Carga Horária Total
  • Creditos
  • Critérios de ingresso
    Classes are open to graduate students interested in the aging process. People with some background in one or more of the discussed themes are more likely to benefit from classes, but previous knowledge are not mandatory, if the candidate participant is motivated to read. Classes will be conducted in English language. Hence, attendees are expected to understand the language, including technical terminology, and possess the ability to communicate.
  • Ementa
    The aging process commonly involves meaningful changes in social, biological, physical, and cognitive spheres. These modifications on life and health aspects are heterogeneous, with some people experiencing worse scenarios and greater deterioration in specific domains (e.g., physical) than others, making it challenging to describe a uniform aging process. However, certain important scenarios with substantial impact on older adults’ lives have been repeatedly described in various contexts, which indicates that age independently increases the risk of facing some unfavorable circumstances and negative events. Hence, the present course seeks to introduce, discus, and ponder over the most prevalent age-related changes found in the social, biological, physical, and cognitive domains.
    The course has 44 hours, divided in 11 classes that will occur once a week, from 14:00 to 18:00. Classes are expositive, with tutors responsible for present the major contents and the state of art of each topic. Then, students will be organized in groups to interpret and discuss recent articles published in the field. All attendees are encouraged to openly share their expertise in the field and seek clarifications or engage in profound discussions. Contradictory and alternative points of view are welcome. At this moment, tutors act as moderators to promote critical reflection about the contents.
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem
    Students’ grade will be assigned according to their participation in the classes and the quality of their presentation in the 11th meeting. English level will not be subject to any evaluations.
  • Conteúdo Programático
    Classes are divided according to the following themes:
    1st) Who is old? Stereotypes of people in advanced age across the centuries and current social classifications.
    2nd) Ageism: Negative Views and Attitudes Toward Age.
    3th) Religiosity and Spirituality During Aging: Looking for (Extra) Support.
    4th) Finitude…
    5th) Biological Theories of Aging.
    6th) Mitochondria as a Cardinal Element of Aging.
    7th) Inflammaging!
    8th) Sarcopenia and Frailty: A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action, Please!!!
    9th) Disability.
    10th) Cognitive Decline and Aging: Is it Possible to Remain With Something Working Well?
    11th) Students’ Presentations.
  • Referências
    Here, there are some of the main references that will be used to conduct the course. Other specific readings will be mentioned during the classes.
    1. Levy B. Stereotype embodiment: A psychosocial approach to aging. Current directions in psychological science. 2009 Dec;18(6):332-6.
    2. Levy B. Improving memory in old age through implicit self-stereotyping. Journal of personality and social psychology. 1996 Dec;71(6):1092.
    3. Butler, R. N. (1969). Age-ism: another form of bigotry. Gerontologist 9, 243–246.
    762 doi: 10.1093/GERONT/9.4_PART_1.243
    4. Cokayne K (2003). Experiencing old age in ancient Rome. Routledge.
    5. Richardson, BE (1969). Old Age Among the Ancient Greeks: The Greeks Portrayal of Old Age.
    6. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Calvani R, Panza F, Allegri RF, Picca A, Marzetti E, Alves VP. Religiosity/spirituality and mental health in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022 May 12;9:877213.
    7. Scandrett KG, Mitchell SL. Religiousness, religious coping, and psychological well-being in nursing home residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. (2009) 10:581–6. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2009.06.001.
    8. Cruz M, Schulz R, Pincus HA, Houck PR, Bensasi S, Reynolds CF III. The association of public and private religious involvement with severity of depression and hopelessness in older adults treated for major depression. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. (2009) 17:503–7. doi: 10.1097/JGP.0b013e31819d37a9.
    9. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Calvani R, Panza F, Allegri RF, Picca A, Marzetti E, Alves VP. Religiosity/spirituality and mental health in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022 May 12;9:877213.
    10. Arantes AC. A morte é um dia que vale a pena viver. Leya; 2018 Dec 19.
    11. Cano CW, Silva AL, Barboza AF, Bazzo BF, Martins CP, Iandoli Júnior D, Benites LD, Terceros LB, Nantes RD. Finitude da vida: compreensão conceitual da eutanásia, distanásia e ortotanásia. Revista Bioética. 2020 Jun 26;28:376-83.
    12. Calligaris, C. PSI (2007). S03E01 and S03E02 - A Amiga Belga - Parte 1 and Parte 2. HBO.
    13. Arking R. Biology of aging: observations and principles. Oxford University Press; 2006 Feb 2.
    14. Franceschi C, Bonafè M, Valensin S, Olivieri F, De Luca M, Ottaviani E, De Benedictis G. Inflamm‐aging: an evolutionary perspective on immunosenescence. Annals of the new York Academy of Sciences. 2000 Jun;908(1):244-54.
    15. Picca A, Faitg J, Auwerx J, Ferrucci L, D’Amico D. Mitophagy in

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