Campus Guarulhos • Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Postgraduate Program in Education

Itale Luciane Cericato

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Itale Luciane Cericato is a Psychologist, Master in Psychology and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. President of the Basic Education Educator Training Center (2018-2020); member of the Institutional Management Committee for Initial and Continuing Education for Professionals in the Teaching of Basic Education and the Ethics Committee on Research with Humans. He coordinated the Scientific Committee of the Basic Education Educator Training Center (2016-2018). Leader of the group of studies and research on the teaching profession - PRODOC; member of the group of studies and research in Educational Processes and Cultural Historical Perspective - GEPPEDH and of the group of studies and research on public school, childhood and educator training - GEPEPINFOR. It is part of the interdisciplinary laboratory for training educators. In the scope of teaching and extension, she performs training activities in the field of educational psychology. She works in the research line “Public School, Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices” researching the following themes: initial and continuing teacher training, psychosocial processes of the teaching profession, development and learning in the classroom.

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Campus Guarulhos da Unifesp • Edifício Arco - Sala 33 • Estrada do Caminho Velho, 333  - Jardim Nova Cidade • CEP 07252-312 Guarulhos - SP •