Master's Degree Admission

Admission at the Postgraduate Program in Evidence-Based Health takes place once a year during the months of January and February.

1. Registration in the Selection Process
Delivery of documents in person or by mail
Center for Teaching and Research in Technological Evaluations and Innovations in Health - CEPATIS
Rua Botucatu, 740 3rd floor - Vila Clementino
CEP 04023-900 - São Paulo, SP
Phone 11 5576-4203

2. Registration Documents
2.1. Applicant's registration form completed and signed, according to the model
2.2. Copy of CPF, RG or photo activation.
2.3. Diploma of higher level
2.4. If the candidate is a certified doctor of medical residency or probationary degree accredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education.
2.5 Letter of Recommendation

3. Selective Process
The final score weight 30% project, 30% theoretical test and 40% interview and curricular analysis, being necessary to reach 70% for approval.

4. Enrollment
Continuous flow and at the request of the advisor

5. Yearly enrollment confirmation
Students of the Program must make annual re-enrollments, with the consent of the Advisor, until obtaining the title of Master or Doctor in accordance with the general rules of PGPq of UNIFESP.

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