Escola Paulista de Medicina
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina (Otorrinolaringologia)

Systematic endoscopic assessment of bleeding sites in severe epistaxis: the role of the S-point and the superior epistaxis (2020)

Capa Rhinology 154X205

Authors: C. N. Loures, T. C. Castro, G. R. Luz-Matsumoto, V. S. Siebert, L. S. Lacerda, M. V. Miranda, M. S. Tepedino, L. Balsalobre, A. C. Stamm, E. M. Kosugi.

Background: Systematic endoscopic assessment (SEA) of bleeding sites is critical for topodiagnosis and treatment of severe epistaxis, which is not limited to the posterior region. A bleeding site originating from the ethmoidal vasculature, the S-point, has recently been described. The aim of this study is to ascertain the prevalence of each bleeding site in severe epistaxis using a SEA protocol that includes the S-point.
Methodology: Prospective longitudinal study of 51 severe epistaxis patients who underwent 53 SEA under general anesthesia from April 2018 through March 2019. SEA consisted of use of a rigid nasal endoscope; no reduction in blood pressure; no use of topical vasoconstrictor; systematic search of all regions of the nose. Bleeding sites were assigned to either superior or posterior epistaxis.
Results: At least one bleeding site was identified in 37 evaluations (69.8%). The S-point was the most common bleeding site (28.3%), followed by the lateral middle turbinate (9.4%), non-S-point upper septum (7.5%), nasal roof (7.5%), and upper lateral wall (7.5%). Superior epistaxis was identified in the most of cases (27 SEA, 50.9%), whereas only 14 SEA (26.4%) identified posterior epistaxis – fewer than the 16 SEA that did not identify any bleeding sites (30.2%). There were two recurrences (3.8%).
Conclusions: Systematic endoscopic assessment effectively identified bleeding sites in 69.8% of severe epistaxis. The S-point was the most common bleeding site identified (28.3%). Finally, superior epistaxis corresponded to more than half of the identified bleeding sites, demonstrating the importance of examining this region judiciously in patients with severe epistaxis.

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