Debiberation of the Regulation





Art. 1 The Post-Graduate Program in TRANSLATIONAL SURGERY (PPG-TS), Academic Master’s and Doctorate Courses, aims to the personal formation of highly qualified people for the research activities and for the university teaching, being linked with the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO – SÃO PAULO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (UNIFESP-EPM). Sole Paragraph the Program aims to form the research surgeon and other professionals from the Health area and the like, as well as other professionals with full graduation that shows insertion in the research lines of the Program, capable of developing a critical posture toward the study of Measurements of the dentofacial deformities, Life quality as an evaluation method in Plastic Surgery, Cellular Biology in Melanoma, Tissue Regeneration ecto and mesodermic and Methodization and electronic protocols in Plastic Surgery.





Art. 3 The PPG-TS is coordinated by a Collegiate, the Committee of Post-Graduate Program in TRANSLATIONAL SURGERY (CEPG-TS), constituted as the following:

a) 1 (one) General Coordinator, that will head it;

b) 1 (one) Vice Coordinator of Planning and Administration;

c) Coordinator of Concentration areas, being one per area of the Program;

d) 1 (one) Representative of the students, and his/her respective surrogate.


Paragraph 1 The PPG-TRANSLATIONAL SURGERY has an Office in charge for the academic control of the Program, located at the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO.

Paragraph 2 The professors that are part of the CEPG-TS had been elected by the permanent professors accredited on the Program.

Paragraph 3 The student that is part of the CEPG-TS, and his/her surrogate, are elected by the students regularly enrolled with the PPG-TS.

Paragraph 4 the result of the election of the CEPG-TS is issued to the GRADUATION VICE DEAN from UNIFESP.

Paragraph 5 The professor members of the CEPG-TS are permanent professors of the PPG-TS and/or part of the active staff of the UNIFESP.

Paragraph 6 The General Coordinator will have the right to speak and vote in the Coordination Committee of the Post-Graduate Courses.

Paragraph 7 The tenure of the CEPG-TS professors shall last for 2 (two) years, and only one consecutive reelection is allowed.

Paragraph 8 It is the VICE COORDINATOR AND/OR Assistant Coordinator of Planning and Administration responsibility to substitute the general Coordinator in his/her absences or disabilities.


Art. 4 The representatives of the Students in the CEPG-TS are elected for a 1 (one) year tenure, and the consecutive reelection is not allowed. Sole Paragraph: The effective student representative will be the one with more votes in the election, and the second one will be the surrogate.


Art. 5 The CEPG-TS meets every last Wednesday of the month, after the meetings of the PG of the Dean’s Office of PG from UNIFESP.

Paragraph 1 The decisions of the CEPG-TS are expressed by the simple majority of votes.

Paragraph 2 Other professors and students from the Program are allowed to participate of the meetings of the CEPG-TS, with rights to speak, and with no rights to vote.

Paragraph 3 the decisions of the CEPG-TS may be subject to appeal brought in second instance to the Dean’s Office of PG from UNIFESP.


Art. 6 It’s CEPGCP responsibility to: a) elaborate the global planning of the program, as well as approving the programs of the activities and disciplines; b)coordinate and evaluate the execution of the activities and disciplines programs; c) review, whenever necessary, the composure of the professors board of the PPG-TS, to ensure the high technical-scientific standard; d) determine the number of spots to be offered in each selective process to the Program and published in a public notice, after approval of the Dean’s Office of Graduation and Research; e) designate a candidate Selection Committee to the Program and follow the different stages of the selection; f) decide about block requests of tuition lock, exemption or advance in the compliance of disciplines/ activities, observing the provisions of this Regiment and its attachments; g) approve the indication of the "ad-hoc" Consulting names who will submit opinions about the versions to the Thesis’ defense; h) indicate the names of the components of the Examining Board for the qualification exams for the Doctorate; i) approve the indication of the Thesis advisor’s names, according to the criteria based on the scientific production and academic orientation, annually established, also assign the number of students per advisor, according to CAPES orientation, observing the rules in force at UNIFESP; j) approve the opinions of the "ad-hoc" Consultants of the versions for the thesis’s defense. k) approve the names of the components of the Examiners Boards of the Thesis’s defenses and respective surrogates, indicated by the advisors, as provided on the  Art. 39 of this Regiment. l) approve the result of the thesis’ exams, communicating it to the authorities in charge; m) indicate students to the scholarship available to the Program; n) Follow the management of the financial resources allocated to the Program maintenance, respecting the University Commandments about the subject; o) ensure the faithful compliance with the University Commandments related to the Post-Graduate Program; p) decide, in first instance, about any omitted question related to the Program; q) assemble, by the decision of the majority of its members, special meetings of the Collegiate; r) suggest, to the Dean’s Office from UNIFESP, eventual changes to be implemented in this Regiment.




Art. 7 The PPG-TS is given by professors, and the academic regime and titles must follow the federal rules and the other University Commandments in force.

Paragraph 1 It is demanded from the members of the Educational staff of the PPG-TS an exercise of creative activity, demonstrated by the scientific production in its proper field, expertise and academic formation, represented by the degree of Doctor or Habilitation, acknowledged pursuant to law.

Paragraph 2 The Teaching Center (ND) will be formed by professors from the Educational staff that presents publications on the levels demanded by the CEPG-TS, and that had taught disciplines and advised students in the last 3 (three) years.

Paragraph 3 The scientific production must be proved by curriculum update.

Paragraph 4 National or foreign experts, not professors from UNIFESP, could be invited to develop their activities related to the Program, observing what is shown in the Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 5 in special cases, by the CEPG-TS criteria, the Degree of Doctor or Habilitation, acknowledged pursuant to law, could be exempt, since the professor or researcher shows high qualification for his/her expertise and knowledge in its field, being approved his/her inclusion by the Dean’s Office of PG from UNIFESP.


Art. 8 The working regime of the members of the permanent educational staff could be, mostly, full time (40 hours).


Art. 9 The Co-advisory of the Thesis by professors that are not part of the UNIFESP staff will be allowed, by the criteria of the CEPG-TS. Keeping the demands of the degree and scientific production in the Research Line of the Thesis, foreseen in the Art. 7 of this Regiment.

Paragraph 1 The CEPG-TS could accept the co-advisor figure, respecting the criteria mentioned in the previous paragraphs, observing that the accreditation for the co-advisory will be specified for each student, It does not imply a full accreditation with the Post-Graduate Program.



Art. 10 The PPG-TS is intended for students with full graduation in Medicine and health and related areas, as well as other full graduation that presents an insertion in the research line of the program, given by official institution or recognized by the National Council of Education (Conselho Nacional de Educação).


Art. 11 The CEPG-TS will disclose in bid, based on the human resources and material availabilities, the number of places offered in the selection process to the Program per course and area, after the approval of the Post-Graduation and Research  Dean’s Office from UNIFESP. Sole Paragraph: The CEPG-TS will define the periodicity of the disclosure of the selection bid, the doctorate might follow the continuous flow, according to the selection calendar, also disclosed in bid.


Art. 12 The registration requirements to the selection process must indicate the Program and the area intended and be issued to the Program Office, according to the calendar disclosed in bid.

Paragraph 1 The registration will be formalized through the presentation of the following documents: a) copy (front and back) of the Full graduation diploma; b) copy of the full graduation school records related to the course of the previous paragraph; c) copy (front and back) of the school record and the diploma of the Master’s degree for Doctorate candidates; d) curriculum vitae (LATTES); e) 2 (two) photos 3 x 4; f) copy of the CPF (Individual Taxpayers’ Register) ; g) copy of the ID Card; h) letter of intention for the Master’s candidate, justifying the reasons of their choice by the Graduation in this area; i)three copies of the preliminary proposal of the thesis project for the Masters and Doctorate, approved by the Advisor of the staff accredited in the PPG-TS, previously contacted by the interested person; j)sending the project to the Ethics Committee in Research from UNIFESP; k) study schedule; l) teaching stage course; m) publishing of the Masters work for the Doctorate registration.

Paragraph 2 If the Graduation Institution (IES) does not have issued the diploma the candidate in the moment of the registration for the selection process, a letter from the IES indicating the course conclusion date and of the graduation of the candidate will be accepted.

Paragraph 3 The candidates in the previous paragraph situation must, if selected, meet the demands of the line "a" of the paragraph 1 of this article, within the 12 (twelve) months deadline, starting from the beginning of its course activities.


Art. 13 By the criteria of the CEPG-TS, exceptionally, candidates without the Masters degree, could be accepted in the Doctorate course.

Paragraph 1 The candidates of the Doctorate referring to the heading of this article, must show high qualification and regular scientific production, at least, 2 scientific articles published in indexed magazines at PubMed/Medline, in the last 2 years, being, at least one of them classified as Qualis A in the subarea of the Course at CAPES, being judged by a specific Committee, assigned by CEPG-TS.

Paragraph 2 For the candidates without the master’s degree, the bachelor’s degree awarded by an official institution or recognized and the complete transcript of the relevant course, besides the other documents previously provided in the Art. 12, Sole Paragraph.


Art. 14 In case of agreement or similar instrument signed with other Institutions, national or international, the admission of the candidates must obey the terms of its agreement, respecting the dispositions of these Standards and its attachments, it must be mentioned explicitly the agreement or the similar instrument in the selection announcement.


Art. 15 The selection of the candidates is performed by a Committee indicated by the CEPG-TS that is constituted by at least 3 (three) professors of the staff of the PPG-TS.


Art. 16 The selection of the candidates will be performed according to the items I and II that follows: I for the Masters: a) in the analysis of the scientific project; b) in the result of the interview with the selection committee; where the study project and the letter of intention of the candidate will be evaluated; c) in the result of the comprehension exam of a text in English, according to the rules established by the CEPGCP and disclosed in the announcement; d) in the analysis of the curriculum vitae (LATTES). II For the Doctorate: a) in the result of the interview performed with the selection committee, that will include the analysis and the discussion of the thesis project; b) in the evaluation of the abilities of comprehension and composition of a text in English and another language, those could be French or Spanish; c) in the analysis of the curriculum vitae (LATTES)

Paragraph 1 Foreign candidates, from lusophone countries, will perform, additionally, proficiency exam in Portuguese.

Paragraph 2 The approval criteria, classification and tie will be disclosed in the selection announcement..

Paragraph 3 A reclassification in the selective process will be allowed in case of extra places for the candidates approved and not selected according to the classification schedule disclosed in the selection announcement.

Paragraph 4 In the proposal analysis prior to the thesis project for the subscription in the Doctorate, the Selection Committee will take into account, exclusively, the adequacy of the project to its research line developed in the PPG-TS.




Art. 17 The PPG-TS is constituted of mandatory disciplines and activities and of selective disciplines, as provided in the attachment II, for the Masters and Doctorate courses, in the concentration areas of the Program.


Art. 18 The period of integralization will have the following duration: a) the Masters course will last maximum 18 (eighteen) months; b) the Doctorate course will last maximum 36 (thirty-six) months.

Paragraph 1 the integralization of the period mentioned in the heading of this article will be counted from the starting date of the course up to the date of the defense of the Thesis.

Paragraph 2 The student could not pass the deadline specified, the time in which his/her enrollment is blocked will be counted, in the terms of the Art. 26. Exceptional cases, duly justified and documented, after the approval of the advisor of the student, will be analyzed by the CEPG-TS;


Art. 19 The student, with the approval of the CEPG-TS, may perform academic activities outside the headquarters of the Course, in the country and abroad, since he/she assures the existence of qualified advisors, creative environment and proper material condition.



Art. 20 The base unit to evaluate the academic work will be the credit, according to the rules in force at UNIFESP.

Paragraph 1 Maximum 8 (eight) credits may be granted for the Masters, and maximum 12 (twelve) credits for the Doctorate, related to the academic and scientific production of the Post-Graduate student in the topic of the Thesis, at the CEPG-TS criteria, according to the following rule: a) one credit for each two presentations in national congress, published in Annals; b) one credit for each presentation in international congress, published in Annals; c) two credits for each scientific article published in international magazine Qualis B or C, in the subarea of the program at CAPES; d) three credits for each scientific article published in an international magazine Qualis A, in the subarea of the program at CAPES.

Paragraph 2 The rules a and b, and the rules c and d, from the previous paragraph are not cumulative, in the case of the same work, with the rules corresponding to the highest number of credits applied.


Art. 21 For the integralization of the PPG-TS, the Master’s student must complete 60 (sixty) credits, and the Doctorate’s student, a minimum of 90 (ninety) credits, respectively, according to the description in the Attachment II. Sole paragraph: in the integralization of the numbers of credits demanded for the Masters and for the Doctorate, the student must fulfill all the credits related to the mandatory subjects, and the other credits will be related to the Research Line and to the coordinator of the program and the advisor’s choice in the creation of the study plan.


Art. 22 The use of credits obtained in a Post-Graduation stricto sensu course will be allowed, Accredited by the National Comittee of Education, or in equivalent courses from foreign institutions, by the CEPG-TS criteria.

Paragraph 1 Only credits from subjects that have been attended with full usage will be accepted, maximum, 4 (four) years immediately before the enrollment of the student with the PPG-TS.

Paragraph 2 The maximum number of credits that can be used could not exceed 1/3 (one third) of the total of credits demanded for the integralization in the course.

Paragraph 3 Only in case of the credits had been obtained in the PPG-TS, there will not have a limit for its usage, observing what is mentioned in the Paragraph 1.


Art. 23 the student will perform all the post-graduate course under the regulation in force in the moment of the enrollment. Sole paragraph In case of locking of the enrollment, the student must follow the regulations in force in the moment of the reopening of the enrollment and must perform the adaptations needed.



Art. 24 The candidate selected is called to enroll by the CEPG-TS, that will determine, in an announcement, the deadline for the completion and the documents needed for the execution. Sole Paragraph The candidates approved and selected that do not execute the enrollment in the period stated in the selection announcement will be excluded from the selective process and may have a reclassification according to the Art. 16, Paragraph 3


Art. 25 In each school semester, the student must enroll in subjects, according to the calendar established by the CEPG-TS and with the individual study plan, observing the academic schedule disclosed by the Dean’s Office of Post-Graduation and Research.

Paragraph 1 The student may request the cancellation of the inscription in an specific subject, mandatory or optional, as if has not been taught more than 15% of the respective hours.

Paragraph 2 After the limit established in the first paragraph, the student that abandons the subject will be considered reproved in the said subject.


Art. 26 The student of Masters and Doctorate may request to the CEPG-TS the locking of the enrollment by a maximum time of 6 (six) months, interspersed or not.

Paragraph 1 The period of enrollment locking will be considered for integralization reasons.

Paragraph 2 The student that exceeds the period of locking legally permitted, according to what is stated in the header of this article, will only be enrolled after approved in a new selective process.

Paragraph 3 The locking of the enrollment in the first school semester following the selection will not be permitted.


Art. 27 The students enrolled with other post-graduate courses accredited, could, after approved by the Course Coordination Committee of origin, and by the criteria of the CEPG-TS, register in the subjects of the PPG-TS, as isolated disciplines. Sole Paragraph The special students that study isolated subjects in the PPG-TS will receive a statement of frequency and grade in the final period, with approval or rejection indication.



Art. 28 The evaluation of the academic performance will be individual, being performed in each discipline, by the responsible teacher.

Paragraph 1 The academic performance will be expressed by numbers, from zero to ten, referring to each discipline.

Paragraph 2 Will be entitled to the credits the student that obtains, in each discipline, the grade similar or above 7,0 (seven) and minimum frequency of 75% (seventy-five per cent) of the hours.


Art. 29 The student could only redo the discipline in which he had been rejected once. A second rejection in the same subject will imply its exclusion from the PPG-TS. Sole paragraph Will be equally excluded from the PPG-CP the student that: a) exceeds the maximum period permitted for the course integralization, according to what is stated in Art. 18.; b) keep one school semester without studying a subject, except if it is only depending on the thesis defense, or using the benefit of locking of the enrollment; c) is rejected by the second time in the qualification exam to the doctorate.


Art. 30 The student of the PPG-TS final average will correspond to the arithmetic average of the grade obtained in the defense of the thesis and in the academic performance, that will be calculated as the weighted average of the grades obtained in all the subjects studied, with performance or not, having as weights the numbers of credits of the subjects.



Art. 31 In the maximum deadline of 12 (twelve) months, starting from the date of the beginning of his activities in the course, the candidate to the Doctorate must be submitted to a public exam of qualification about his thesis project and to an evaluation of knowledge about his Research Line.

Paragraph 1 It is responsibility of the CEPG-TS to define the theme for the evaluation of knowledge in the area of Research Line, according to what is stated in the header of this article.

Paragraph 2 The Examining Committee for the qualification exam will be constituted by 3 (three) professors indicated by the CEPG-TS, including mandatorily the advisor and at minimum, one professor that does not perform in the PPG-TS, and is not part of the active staff of the UNIFESP.

Paragraph 3 It is responsibility of the Examining Committee watch and discuss about the thesis project and the relevance of the presented bibliography, issuing, each examiner, a written opinion, in a maximum deadline of 15 (fifteen) days.

Paragraph 4 The advisor will not issue an opinion.

Paragraph 5 The thesis project will be considered by the Examining Committee sufficient or insufficient.

Paragraph 6 The candidate to the Doctorate, which the thesis project is considered insufficient, may be submitted to a new exam in a maximum deadline of 3 (three) months, after the first evaluation.

Paragraph 7 The candidate to the Doctorate that is rejected for the second time in the qualification exam will be excluded from the PPG-TS and will obtain a statement of performance in the subjects studied with approval by frequency and grade.



Art. 32 By the criteria of the CEPG-TS, the work of thesis can be performed in other institutions of research and education, in the country or abroad, since it is assured by the requirements stated in the Art. 7 and in the Art.19 of this Regulation.


Art. 33 Only will be able to defend the Thesis the Masters student that has fulfilled the following requirements: a) to be regularly enrolled in the course; b) to have accumulated a total of, at least, 60 (sixty) credits; c) To have obtained favorable opinion of a "ad-hoc" Consultant, approved by the CEPG-TS, in the version for the defense of your thesis, in accordance with the lines g and j of the Art. 6  d) to send the thesis to be published; e)to perform the Teaching Trainee; f) to have 75% of presence; g) to keep the curriculum Lattes updated;


Art. 34 It will only be allowed to present Thesis the Doctorate student that has fulfilled the following requirements: a)to be regularly enrolled in the course, b) to have accumulated a total of, at least, 90 (ninety) credits; c) to have been approved in the qualification exam; d) To have obtained favorable opinion of a "ad-hoc" Consultant, approved by the CEPG-TS, in the version for the defense of your thesis, in accordance with the lines g and j of the Art. 6  e) to send the thesis to be published o e) to perform the Teaching Trainee; f) to have 75% of presence; g) to keep the curriculum Lattes updated;


Art. 35 One copy of the version for the defense of the work of Thesis must be issued to the CEPG-TS, by the Advisor, to be analyzed by a "ad-hoc" Consultant, that will send an Opinion about the adequacy of the work to the objectives and methodology proposed.

Paragraph 1 The indication on the "ad-hoc" Consultant will be performed by the CEPG-TS, considering the compatibility between the topic of the thesis and the acting area of the professor or researcher responsible for the evaluation.

Paragraph 2 The Consultant must be bearer of the Doctor of Free-Teaching degree, recognized pursuant to law, that could only be dispensed when it is an expert with attested experience in the area, by the criteria of the CEPGCP.

Paragraph 3 After watching the Thesis, the Consultant must issue an opinion in a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days, containing: a) commentaries about the importance of the Thesis and its contribution to the area of knowledge; b) evaluation of the text presented, especially regarding: •introduction to the problem mentioned; •objectives and plans of work; •methodology used in the study; •relevance of the results obtained; •pertinence of the discussion presented; •Update of the bibliographic references; •adequacy of the summary and the title. c) final recommendation to the CEPG-TS, indicating if the Thesis must be approved or rejected.


Art. 36 After the favorable previous exam, the Advisor must suggest to the CEPG-TS the date for the public defense in the UNIFESP, that will be approved by the coordinator of the program and he/she will indicate the names for the composition of the Examining Committee.

Paragraph 1 The delivery of the thesis must occur only after the acceptance of the work to be published and report of the teaching trainee, up to the penultimate Wednesday of the month, to be accepted until the last Wednesday of the month, during the meeting of the PG of the UNIFESP.

Paragraph 2 In the moment of the presentation of the partial version, spiral, to be submitted to the Examining Committee, must be delivered 5 (five) copies of the Thesis, in case of Masters, and 7 (seven) copies of the thesis, in case of Doctorate, reproducing the form that assures its good graphic presentation, following the specific rules defined about the matter by the CEPG-TS.


Art. 37 The Examining Committee, in case of Masters, will be constituted by 3 (three) members, and by 5 (five) members, in case of Doctorate, chosen by the CEPG-TS, being demanded from them the Doctor or Free-teaching degree, acknowledge in the form of the law or, exceptionally, the equivalent grant given by the National Council of Education.

Paragraph 1 2 (two) external and 1 (one) internal surrogates will be equally indicated and another external for the Doctorate, and 1 (one) surrogate for the Masters, to, in force majeure, substitute the effective examiner prevented by relevant reason, being demanded the same degree established in the header of this Article.

Paragraph 2 Mandatorily, at least 2 (two) of the members of the Examining Committee, in case of Masters, and at least 3 (three) in case of Doctorate, must be professors that do not act as teachers of the PPG-TS and preferably that do not belong to the active staff of the UNIFESP.

Paragraph 3 In the simultaneous prevention of more than one of the Examiners, the General Coordinator of the CEPG-TS could indicate the substitute(s), in order to assure the performance of the exam in the due date.


Art. 38 The Examining Committee and the date definition of the thesis will be submitted to the CEPG-TS, for approval, with the acceptance of the work and the report of the teaching trainee.


Art. 39 The thesis’ defense will be performed at UNIFESP and in public session, disclosed by the CEPG-TS.

Paragraph 1 The heading of the work of the defense session will be responsibility of the advisor of the thesis and the order or the arguing from the minor degree to the higher and longer degree.

Paragraph 2 The thesis will be considered approved or rejected.


Art. 40 In the case of Doctorate, specifically, by the criteria of the CEPG-TS, could be presented, in substitution to the traditional format of a Thesis, a collection of, at least 2 (two) articles related to the topic of the Thesis, published in ISI magazines, with impact factor over 1, must be added to this collection the following mandatory sections: an introduction, a Discussion, a Summary in Portuguese and the Bibliographic References.


Art. 41 the defense of the Thesis will correspond the following stages: a) installation of the Examining Committee; b) exposure, by the candidate, of the main results obtained in its Thesis, in the deadline of 20 (twenty) minutes, in case of Masters, and 30 (thirty) minutes, in case of Doctorate; c) arguing of the candidates by the Examiners, in time not over 20 (twenty) minutes, assuring  equivalent time for the response; d) the arguing of the candidate under a dialog form, for a period not longer than 40 (forty) minutes, could be done by the proposition of the parts, with mutual accordance; e) Final judgment of the Examining Committee, which agenda will be drawn immediately, in a proper book, and that will include a final result to be announced publically, in the Doctorate; f) In Masters, the members of the board must deliver the report and the opinion in the moment of the defense.

Paragraph 1 The advisor will not grant a grade.

Paragraph 2 After the arguing, the candidate must introduce in his Thesis, when it is the case, the corrections and suggestions proposed by the Examining Board, having the deadline maximum of 30 (thirty) days for the delivery of the final version in a hard cover and approved by the CEPG-TS.

Paragraph 3 The advisor will be responsible for the full completion of the demands of the Examining Committee, observing the deadline determined in the prior paragraph.


Art. 42 The result of the judgment of each member of the Examining Board will be expressed as Approved or Not Approved.



Art. 43 the student of Masters that has obtained the approval on the presentation and defense of his Thesis, according to the criteria established in this Regulation and in the University Commandments in force, will receive the Degree of Master in Sciences, in the concentration area studied.


Art. 44 The student of Doctorate that has obtained the approval in the presentation and defense of its thesis, according to the criteria established in this Regulation and in the University Commandments in force, will receive the Degree of Doctor in Sciences in the concentration area studied.



Art. 45 The CEPG-TS will be in charge for the acts needed to the completion of this Regulation.


Art. 46 It is incorporated to this Regulation all the other articles of the General Regulation in force referring to the Post-Graduation courses from UNIFESP (Resolution number 1 of November 26, 2003).


Art. 47 This specific Regulation is revised every two years in force, or at any time, in case of reformulation of the General Regulation of the Post Graduation Courses from UNIFESP or by initiative of the CEPG-TS.

Consulte também o Regimento Interno de Pós-Graduação stricto sensu e de Pesquisa da Unifesp

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