Script to Perform the Courses

 Performing this script six months before the date scheduled for the course to be performed.

1) Enter in the PROEX website:

  • Create a login, in the website, step by step as follows below:
  • Click in the extension course events “bubble”,
  • Course accreditation and events,
  • Intranet link
  • Username (login)
  • Password (confirm the chosen password +ok)

2) On the left, UNIFESP

3) Enter in a similar access to a desktop screen

4) Click in Siex catalogue

5) User: name of the responsible by the course, normally the advisor professor and/or the coordinator of the Program.

6) Choose Kind of Events + include (obs. When it is mini-course up to 8 hours) and fulfill all the data up to the end of the page, there is a field named agreement that must be fulfilled by the person which is more involved and always available about the level (in this case the student)

7) Specific Information (fulfill)

8) Other information (fulfill)

9) Include 4 key words, separated by commas that have relation with the proposed event.

10) Department unit description (head of the department and head of the subject).

11) Staff (List all people involved in the organization).

12) Target audience: (do not mention the amount).

13) Charge inscription fee (specify the price), look below and click in verify.

14) Events: insert the title of what you intend to expose, “sell it”.

15) Read everything and print, if it is all correct.

16) Click send and print to send to the accreditation.


The students must look for the advisors in case of doubts in any step.

After this registration, printed, with the event schedule, the student must schedule a meeting with Mr. Valdir from the PROEX (5575.8702), for the options and service packs to be verified, with the respective prices (that are all outsourced) in a range of options that can be auditorium reservation, graphic production (folders, posters, certificate issue, snacks, etc), disclosure in the website, etc.

It is not mandatory to buy all the service packs.

As the registration in the course at PROEX must be approved by a committee that meets monthly, and for the course recognition and students attraction from different origins it is needed that its schedule be performed in advance, because a good disclosure is not done in less than 3 months.

The staff has full autonomy to prepare the event in the best way, may be specific, or include theme subjects multidisciplinary. However, must have the approval of the Professor and/or the Coordinator of the PPG.

The student must not look for other ways different from these mentioned before.

Do not have to speak in the name of the Program or the Subject, what must be done by the secretaries (Sandra/Marta/Silvana), always with prior verification of the Professor or the Coordination of the PPG.



© 2013 - 2024 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Campus São Paulo - Ed. Octávio de Carvalho - Rua Botucatu, 740 - 2º andar - Vila Clementino, São Paulo - SP    (11) 5576-4848 - ramal 3054