Selective Process


Translational Surgery Post-Graduate Program



Students that want to start the Master’s/Doctorate in the Post-Graduate Program of  UNIFESP:

  • Professionals from Health and Administration areas


Enrollment Period:

During the whole year (constant flow)

Further information by the email:      

telephone: 011 + 55 + 11 + 5576.4848 - Extension: 3054



Documents for registration of Master:

  • Personal Data Sheet (attached);
  • Signed letter from the advisor requesting and justifying enrollment in PG;
  • 3 copies of the Research Project (which should fall into one of the research areas of the program);
  • Project Approval by the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP;
  • Course Description and Extension budget even be drawn on the subject of the project, focusing on attracting students from IC and the strictest sense (teaching internship);
  • Copy of an article published or accepted article or two presentations Theme Free or 1 or 1 book chapter published in annals of event (desirable but not required)
  • Fill form Fundraising
  • Lattes (updated);
  • Be in compliance with the obligations of CA


Documents for registration of PhD:

  • Personal Data Sheet (attached);
  • Signed letter from the advisor requesting and justifying enrollment in PG;
  • 3 copies of the Research Project (which should fall into one of the research areas of the program);
  • Project Approval by the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP;
  • Course Description and Extension budget even be drawn on the subject of the project, focusing on attracting students from IC and the strictest sense (teaching internship);
  • Masters published or accepted for publication;
  • Fill form Fundraising
  • Lattes (updated);
  • Be in compliance with the obligations of CA (carse until one year after the defense the student has to present the master and published new project on doctoral level may apply for registration without doing Enhancement)


Documents required for the enrollment:

  • Personal Data form (attached);
  • Letter signed from the candidate with the reason for the participation in the PG and its intentions with the Degree;
  • 3 copies of the Research Project (that must fit in one of the research lines of the Program);
  • Approval of the Ethics Committee from UNIFESP;
  • Description of the Extension Course and budget to be planned about the project’s theme, focusing on attracting students of the IC and from the senso strictu;
  • Copy of an article published in an indexed journal, performed in the last 2 years;
  • Curriculum Lattes (updated);


The documents must be delivered in the Translational Surgery Post-Graduate Office:

Ed. Octávio de Carvalho

Rua Botucatu, 740 - 2nd Floor - Plastic Surgery (right side of the elevator, at the end of the corridor)

Vila Clementino, CEP 04023-062 - São Paulo, SP



Selective Process:

After delivering the documents, they will be evaluated by the Post-Graduation Committee. The candidate will be informed about the result, for later interview if approved.

© 2013 - 2024 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Campus São Paulo - Ed. Octávio de Carvalho - Rua Botucatu, 740 - 2º andar - Vila Clementino, São Paulo - SP    (11) 5576-4848 - ramal 3054