Campus Guarulhos • Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Postgraduate Program in Education

Vanessa Dias Moretti

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Vanessa Dias Moretti is a Ph.D. in Education from the College Of Education of the University of São Paulo (Teaching of Sciences and Mathematics), with a postdoctoral in Education from Laurentian University (Canada). She also has a Degree in Mathematics from the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo. She was the general coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program at UNIFESP. Researcher of the Group for Studies and Research on Pedagogical Activity - GEPAPe / USP - and leader of the Group for Studies and Research in Educational Processes and Cultural-Historical Perspective - GEPPEDH at Unifesp. She develops research in Mathematics Education focusing especially on the initial and continuing training of teachers who teach mathematics, teaching-learning, teaching activity, and historical-cultural theory.

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© 2013 - 2024  Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Campus Guarulhos da Unifesp • Edifício Arco - Sala 33 • Estrada do Caminho Velho, 333  - Jardim Nova Cidade • CEP 07252-312 Guarulhos - SP •