Escola Paulista de Medicina
Postgraduate Program in Urology


Relação de alunos de iniciação científica com projetos vigentes


 Student Project title  Supervisor Scholarship
Ana Beatriz Ramos Antiqueira The effects of surgical interventions on sperm DNA fragmentation: a systematic review and meta-analysis Prof. Dr. Renato Fraietta
Ana Carolina Cardillo Fernandes The potential biomarker of ELSPBP1 protein on sperm with high DNA fragmentation

Prof. Dr. Ricardo P. Bertolla

Camila Caetano Alves da Motta Emotional aspects evaluated by DASS-21 scale on preagnant women submitted to in vitro fertilization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prof. Dr. Renato Fraietta
Felipe Gregório Lima Analysis of heat shock proteins on patients with coraliform renal stone. Profa. Dra. Mariana Pereira Antoniassi CNPq
Fernando de Nigris Vasconcellos Which is the best technique to recover sperm of men with obstructive azoospermia? Prof. Dr. Renato Fraietta 
 Julia Cunha Miralha Influence of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolitic pathway on motility and functional aspects of human sperm. Profa. Dra. Paula Intasqui 
Larissa de Oliveira Rodrigues  Analysis of inflammatory cytokines on seminal plasma of patients with varicocele.   Prof. Dr. Ricardo P. Bertolla CNPq
Luccas Potenza Neri Analysis of osteopontin and associated proteins (CD44) levels in urine of patients with coraliform renal stone. Profa. Dra. Mariana Camargo CNPq

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+55 11 5576 4848 VoIP 4086  •