Carregando dados aguarde ...



Resultados encontrados {{recordsQ}}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}


Matricula: {{item.DT_MATRICULA}}
Homologação: {{item.DT_HOMOLOGACAO}}
{{ _.filter( programs , { 'APRIN_CODIGO' : item.APRIN_CODIGO } )[0].APRIN_DESCRICAO }}

Em caso de erros ou informaçoes incorretas entre em contato com a Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação

Dados Consolidados

Ano {{ row.ano }}
MESTRADO : {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'MESTRADO' }).length }}
PÓS-DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'PÓS-DOUTORADO' }).length }}
DOUTORADO: {{ _.filter(row.registros, function(o) { return o.NIVEL_DESCR == 'DOUTORADO' }).length }}
TOTAL: {{row.registros.length}}


Avaliação Conceito MA/DO Portaria/Parecer Data D.O.U. Seção D.O.U. Pág. D.O.U.
Quadrienal 2013/2014/2015/2016 6 Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019 18/03/19 1 63
Trienal 2010/2011/2012 6 Portaria MEC 656, de 22/05/2017 23/05/17 1 14
Trienal 2007/2008/2009 6 Portaria MEC 1.077, de 31/08/2012 13/09/12 1 25
Trienal 2004/2005/2006 6 Portaria MEC 524, de 29/04/2008 30/04/08 1 16
Trienal 2001/2002/2003 5 Portaria MEC 2.878, de 24/08/2005 26/08/05 1 21
Trienal 1998/1999/2000 5 Portaria MEC 2.530, de 04/09/2002 06/09/02 1 26
Bienal 1996/1997 3 Portaria MEC 132, de 02/02/1999 03/02/99 1 10
Bienal 1994/1995 C Portaria MEC 490, de 27/03/1997 31/03/97 1 61
Bienal 1992/1993 B Portaria MEC 1.461, de 29/11/1995 11/12/95 1 27


  • Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Marino Lazzareschi: 1983 a 1991 - PPG Ortopedia e Traumatologia e Cirurgia Plástica (quatro avaliações bianual) – Nota B.
  • Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Jorge de Moura Andrews: 1992 a 1995 - PPG Cirurgia Plástica (duas avaliações bianual) – Nota C e nota 3.
  • Coordenadora: Profa. Dra. Lydia Masako Ferreira: 1996 a 2009 - PPG Cirurgia Plástica (uma avaliação bianual, quatro avaliações trimestrais) – Nota 3, nota 5 e duas notas 6.
  • Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Miguel Sabino Neto: 2010 a 2017 - PPG Cirurgia Translacional (uma avaliação trienal e uma avaliação quadrienal) – Nota 6.
  • Coordenadora: Profa. Dra. Lydia Masako Ferreira: 2018 a 2021 - PPG Cirurgia Translacional (uma avaliação quadrienal).




  • ampulheta ppg cirtranslacional

    Form individuals to hold academic skills (identify, define e solve critical intellectual problems) with the basic requirement of being able to conduct creative and autonomous research, able to raise and build scientific and intellectual issues, develop them and communicate the results, the utilized procedures and their implementation;

  • Carry out, with expertise, university teaching;

  • Foster the development of scientific research though the proper preparation of researchers;

  • Assure the effective intellectual training of the highest level in order to face the needs of development in all areas and form capable professorship who can attend the quantitative expansion of our higher education assuring at the same time the elevation of the present level of scientific quality;


For the Master’s Degree, the program acts aiming for the student to have: knowledge of the literature related to his area of expertise; skill in state-of-the-art technology in specific field; knowledge on how to prepare and deliver classes; be capable of critically analyzing his work; compose research projects and scientific papers. For the Doctorate, the program aims for the student to be able to recognize critically key lines of thought in the area of; be able to formulate updated questions, select the appropriate method to obtain reliable and relevant answers ser; independent own line of research (academic autonomy);  able to form other researchers or centers. For such, the program has seeked to:

  • Emphasize the qualified and productive formation of the faculty;

  • Prepare the structure of the post graduation program adequately;

  • Deepen the lines of research with clear projects which keep connection to the focused area in itself;

  • Stimulate  advisors to form this kind of doctor;


Allow and facilitate the development of researches regarding infrastructure (besides BIREME – Regional Library of Medicine of the Pan-American Organization of Health; of the library of the area of expertise; of the DIS – Department of Computer Science in Health; of the CEDESS – Special Center of Didactics and Teaching; of the central bioterium; of the CEME – Electronic Microscopy Center; of the laboratory of plastic surgery cells; of the laboratory of molecular biology, of the laboratory of biophysics, of the laboratory of immunology; of the laboratory of experimental surgery and of CITERGEN laboratory, from UNIFESP.


Encourage the scientific production of international level seeking strata a1 and a2.


Seek fundraising for projects to be developed.


Stimulus for the development of patents.


International insertion projects and publications jointly with partner institutions


Encourage programs of solidarity for the training of teachers to strategic institutions for the country.



© 2013 - 2024 Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Campus São Paulo - Ed. Octávio de Carvalho - Rua Botucatu, 740 - 2º andar - Vila Clementino, São Paulo - SP    (11) 5576-4848 - ramal 3054