Débora Cristina Hipólide.jpg

     Research Gate:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Debora_Hipolide


Debora Hipolide has degree in Biological Sciences, Mackenzie University (1990). She has a master's degree (1995) and doctorate degree (1997) in Psychobiology at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). PhD-sandwich (CNPq) at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry - Toronto, Canada (1995-1996) and Postdoctoral Fellow at the UNIFESP (1998-2000). She is currently Associate Professor at the UNIFESP - Department of Psychobiology (the institution since 1991) and Coordinator of the Graduate Program Psychobiology - UNIFESP. She has experience in pharmacology, with emphasis on Neuropsychopharmacology acting on the following topics: consequences of sleep deprivation associated with cognitive functions such as learning and memory.

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Departamento de Psicobiologia

Rua Botucatu, 862 - 1o. Andar - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04023062

Telefone: (011) 2149-0155 - FAX: (011) 5572-5092

E-Mail: ppg.psicobiologia@unifesp.br