Lia Rita Azeredo Bittencourt.png

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1987), completed residency in Internal Medicine at University Hospital Cassiano Antônio de Moraes-UFES (1988), residence in Pneumology by the Medical Assistance to the State-HSPE Civil Servants (1991) obtained the title of specialist in Pneumology by the Brazilian Medical Association (1992), Masters in Medicine (Pulmonology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (1995), PhD in Medicine (Pulmonology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (1999) and obtained title area and performance in Sleep Medicine by the Brazilian Medical Association (2012). He is currently Professor Associate I and Lecturer in the Department of Medicine and Biology of Sleep Psychobiology Department of the Federal University of São Paulo, Deputy Head of the Department of Psychobiology of the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Coordinator of Academic League of the University Sleep Federal de São Paulo and administrative Preceptor of Medical Residency in the area of ​​operation in Sleep Medicine at the Pulmonology, Federal University of São Paulo. It is the current president of the Association of Sleep Medicine. It is the Medical Coordinator of the Sleep Institute of Association Incentive Fund to fellow Pesquisa.É 1 C and referee of the National Scientific and Technological Development Council, researcher and referee of the Foundation for Research of the State of São Paulo, Editora associate of journal Sleep Science Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, British Journal of Sports Medicine and the Bulletin of the Brazilian Association of Sleep, referee of the Sleep journal, Sleep Medicine, PLoS One, Cephalalgia, British Journal of Sports Medicine, Sleep Science, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (JCMC), Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, International Journal of Endocrinology, the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Nature and Science of Sleep, Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Psychiatry Magazine, Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology. He is a member of the Committee for the formation of Dentistry Course of the Federal University of São Paulo. Has to experience in Medicine, with emphasis on Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, acting on the following topics: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of respiratory disorders related to sleep, excessive sleepiness, cognitive and cardiovascular changes of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, disorders the respiratory center, teaching in Sleep Medicine and Epidemiology of sleep disorders.

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Departamento de Psicobiologia

Rua Botucatu, 862 - 1o. Andar - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04023062

Telefone: (011) 2149-0155 - FAX: (011) 5572-5092
