Graduate Program in Chemistry

Sustainability Science and Technology


  1. The  Master's Thesis defense must be carried out between 1 and 3 years after the student's enrollment in the Program. The Ph.D Dissertation defense between 2 and 5 years.
  2. A student who fails the defense may repeat it only once in a period not exceeding 1 year from the date of the first defense. 
  3. The request for the Master's Thesis Committee must be submitted to the Graduate Office at least 7 days prior to the Graduate Commission (GC) meeting with the following documents: (I)  Form D1:  D1_atualizado 2022.docx  ; (ii) Copy of Cover and abstract of the thesis/dissertation; (iii) Approval by the Ethics in Research Commission; (iv) Proof of completion of the Teaching Assistant Activities Program, if applicable, (v) Graduate Transcript; (vi) Copy of the Graduation Diploma; (vii) Report on Similarity:   TUTORIAL TURNITIN.pdf  
  4. This documentation should be forwarded to the Graduate Office to be approved by the Graduate Commission (GC) and by the Board of Graduate Studies and Research of the campus (BGSR). The defense can occur after 5 working days of the meeting of the  BGSR and before 90 days of the approval by the GC.
  5. The names of the Master's Thesis Committee suggested by the adviser should be in the order of preference, according to the following information:
    1. The Master's Thesis Committee shall be composed of three official members. The Ph.D. dissertation, five official members. For both, there will be two substitutes
    2. The supervisor is one of the members and president of the defense;
    3. For Master's, only 1 member may belong to  Program, and at least one must not belong to UNIFESP or to the faculty of the Program. For Ph.D, only 2 may belong to the Program, and at least two most not belong to UNIFESP or to the faculty of the Program.
    4. The co-adviser is not allowed to participate in the Master's Thesis Committee.
    5. The adviser shall chair the Committee, but does not judge;
    6. Substitutes will be chosen, and neither should belong to the Program, and at least one must not belong to UNIFESP. In case of the adviser’s absence or inability to participate in the defense, the program will appoint a new chair.
  6. After the committee’s approval, the student and/or adviser should first contact the committee members to set the defense date and let the Graduate Office know (the data should be suggested in the Form D1)
  7. The defense must be open to the academic community of the University, and the oral presentation of the work should be of approximately 30-40 minutes, followed by 60 minutes for each examiner to ask questions to the candidate. Next, each examiner will express his/her judgment in a secret session considering whether the candidate passed or failed.
  8. The dissertation or thesis will be considered APPROVED or FAIL according to the decision of the simple majority of the members of the  Committee.
  9. Within a maximum of 30 days from the date of approval of the candidate’s defense, the candidate must submit the final version of the Thesis (with the possible suggestion of the Master's Thesis Committee) with the adviser’s approval. Documents for the approval of the degree will be forwarded by the Graduate Office to the Office for Graduate Studies and Research only after this procedure has been completed.
  10. Once approved, and after the other requirements of the Program have been met, the candidate, upon request to the Office for Graduate Studies and Research, will receive a master's degree or Ph.D. degree under the terms of the law in force.
  11. The Master's and Ph.D. degrees must be solicited by the student to the Office for Graduate Studies and Research.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo 

Rua São Nicolau, n.º 210 - 5o Andar, Centro

Diadema - SP - CEP: 09913-030 

+ 55 11 4044 0500 ( 3513)