Graduate Program in Chemistry

Sustainability Science and Technology


Admission to the Academic Master's and Doctoral programs in the Graduate Program in Chemistry - Science and Technology of Sustainability (PPGQ-CTS) is an ongoing process and can occur at any time throughout the year. To be considered for available scholarships, candidates must meet certain criteria:

  1. Candidates should have been previously approved for admission, with their admission documentation reviewed and accepted by CEPG, or should already be enrolled in the PPGQ-CTS program. This allows them to take the General Chemistry test and potentially qualify for scholarships that may be offered during the announcement's validity period.

  2. Only students who are already enrolled and wish to apply for scholarships, those who have been approved for admission, and those who submit the necessary documents for review and potential admission by the specified deadline mentioned in the grant announcement have the right to be considered for scholarships. Merely submitting these documents for review does not guarantee eligibility for the test.

  3. The admission committee will assess the submitted documents and promptly publish a list of approved candidates for admission on the PPGQ-CTS website. This list is made available in a timely manner to facilitate the scholarship classification test during the current evaluation period.

  4. Candidates who do not adhere to the deadlines specified in the grant announcement can still join the program if they are approved in the admission analysis. However, they will not be eligible to take the scholarship distribution test as outlined in the current announcement.

The necessary documents for admission analysis are detailed below.


Instructions for joining the PPGQ-CTS

The supervisor of the candidate must submit the application form at the desired level.

This application form ( A1_atualizado em 11jan2022_Formulários para inscrição Processo Seletivo e ingresso via fluxo contínuo PPGQ-CTS.docx  ) must be accompanied by the following documents:

[a] Curriculum Vitae Lattes of the candidate and his/her supervisor (available for filling and printing on the Internet at the CNPq website (Lattes Platform: The candidate's CV must be accompanied by the supporting documents that prove the data that were informed in the form. Only documented information will be considered for evaluation.

[b] Undergraduate and/or Master's Academic Transcript.

[c] Proof of Bachelor's and/or master's degree (diploma).

[d] Letter of acceptance from a supervisor of the program ( M3_atualizado em 09jul2021.docx  ).

[e] Brazilian Identity Card (RG). Alternatively, the Brazilian National Registry of Foreigners (RNE) or Passport for foreign applicants.

[f] Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF), only if not included in the RG or RNE. For foreign applicants, this item can be waived.

Fellowship distribution

The scholarships belonging to the program quota will be distributed according to the classification of those interested in the basic knowledge test in Chemistry.

To apply for the scholarship distribution process, the candidate must be already enrolled in the Graduate Program or submitted the forms to be admitted following the period described in the specific notice. 

Students who are already enrolled and who want to apply for a fellowship must apply only for the scholarship exam, filling in the specific registration form ( D5_atualizado em 11jan2022_Formulário para inscrição Processo Seletivo PPGQ-CTS_alunos já matriculados.docx  5) and forwarding it to the Graduate Office of Campus Diadema. There is no need to forward the documentation mentioned above, but the deadline for submitting the form must be the same as established in the public notice for the delivery of documentation for the other candidates.

The tests will be held in 02 periods of the year and a Public Notice will be published to direct the procedures.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo 

Rua São Nicolau, n.º 210 - 5o Andar, Centro

Diadema - SP - CEP: 09913-030 

+ 55 11 4044 0500 ( 3513)