Graduate Program in Chemistry

Sustainability Science and Technology

Development and Application of Sustainable Materials

An important topic within Science for Sustainability is the development of economically viable materials with enhanced properties produced with methods aimed at reducing environmental impacts. The purpose of this area is to develop environmentally compatible methods for the preparation, modification and processing of materials at different scales (nanoscopic, microscopic and macroscopic) with different properties, while minimizing energy losses. Furthermore, the study of the relationship between composition, structure, and performance of advanced materials will be carried out in order to understand, predict and control their properties and applications. This area has the participation of researchers from various areas of knowledge (Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Pharmacy) contributing to the development of thematic projects as summarized below:

  1. Preparation, modification and processing of new materials: entails materials such as polymers, ceramics, metals, composites, hybrid organic-inorganic, etc. using environmentally compatible strategies that lead to producing materials with enhanced properties.
  2. Study of nanomaterials for sustainability: preparation, structural studies and application of nanoscale materials (nanotubes, nanowires, mesoporous materials, nanostructured thin films, nanoparticles, etc.).
  3. Structure and properties of advanced materials: optimization of properties (electrical, mechanical, optical, magnetic and other ones) by investigating the relationship between the structure and the macroscopic properties of such materials.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo 

Rua São Nicolau, n.º 210 - 5o Andar, Centro

Diadema - SP - CEP: 09913-030 

+ 55 11 4044 0500 ( 3513)